Country Profiles

Russian Federation - Country Profile

The national targets (or equivalent) presented in this database are taken from the NBSAPs received since COP-10, fifth national reports or from documents submitted separately. The mapping of national targets to the Aichi Biodiversity Targets by the Party concerned is indicated in the last column “Related Aichi Target(s)”. All Parties are encouraged to undertake this mapping exercise and to submit this information to SCBD for incorporation in this database.

Reference Target Related Strategic Goals/Aichi Targets
National Target By 2020, citizens of the country are informed that the conservation of biodiversity is a prerequisite for their wellbeing and economic prosperity. Individuals and their social groups undertake concrete steps to further the conservation of biodiversity. 1
National Target By 2020, the valuation of biodiversity and ecosystem services is included in the policies, programs and planning processes of socio-economic development at the national and regional levels. 2
National Target By the year 2020, the existing mechanism for the governmental support of those that use ecosystem services and biological resources and who cause damage to biodiversity, are improved with the goal of preventing negative impacts. Positive stimuli aimed at the promotion of ecosystem services and sustainable uses of bioresources are developed. 3
National Target By 2020, at the latest, the government, business community and participating members at all levels have taken measures or implemented plans with the purpose of achieving sustainable production and consumption while not allowing for the results of natural resource use to damage ecological sustainability. 4
National Target By the year 2020 the rate of natural habitat loss, including those of forests and grass ecosystems, are cut by at least half and completely halted where it is necessary. The degradation and fragmentation of habitats is also significantly decreased. 5
National Target By the year 2020, fishing within the exclusive economic zone, territorial waters and internal (including marine) waters of the Russian Federation is conducted in accordance with the principles of sustainability. All such activity is done within the framework on fishing and the conservation of biodiversity with the condition of minimizing the negative impact of fishing on aquatic bioresources (including rare and endangered species) and their habitat. There are measures taken for the prevention, containment and elimination of illegal, unregulated and undeclared fishing and for the regeneration of aquatic bioresources which have been damaged as result of anthropogenic and natural causes. 6
National Target (consists of 3 sub-targets) Sub-target: By 2020 no less than 20% of all agricultural lands are managed and used in accordance to biodiversity conservation goals; 7
Sub-target: By 2020, all bodies of water used for aquaculture must be managed in a sustainable manner that will ensure the minimization of the influence on biodiversity found in adjacent territories and in natural ecosystems. 7
Sub-target: By 2020, no less than 50% of exploited and protected forest are sustainably managed which ensure the conservation of biodiversity. 7
National Target By 2020, ensure the decrease of pollution emissions, including that of organic substances, into the environment by improving the appropriate legal framework of the Russian Federation. 8
National Target By 2020, invasive alien species and methods of their introduction and spreading are identified and ranked. There are measures aimed at the elimination of all introductions and spreading activities of priority invasive alien species. 9
National Target By 2020 Russia has minimized the anthropogenic pressures on ecosystems and implemented adaptive measures in regions which are especially vulnerable to climate change: the Arctic, subarctic, Far East, mountainous and steppe ecosystems. 10
National Target (composed of 2 sections) By 2020, there is an efficiently managed system of protected areas which composes no less than 13.5% of the Russian Federation. The role of the system is to ensure the protection of unique ecosystems and landscapes as well as of fauna and flora, including those species which are rare or endangered and part of the IUCN Red List of the Russian Federation. 11
By 2020, the total area of terrestrial and aquatic territories with regulated resource use policies and which play a key role in the provision of ecosystem services is increased to the point where it composes 17% of all terrestrial territories and 10% of all aquatic bodies under the jurisdiction of the Russian Federation. 11
National Target To ensure, on a long-term basis, the conservation and recovery of rare and endangered animal, plant and fungi species in the interest of the Russian Federation’s stable development. 12
National Target By 2020, the ecosystems which provide the most important services for ensuring the population’s life, health and well-being are identified and protected. 14
National Target By 2020, the recovery of forests and their stable accumulation of carbon has been ensured on 15% of all degraded agricultural lands. Owing to increased efforts for conservation of existing forests, their carbon losses have been decreased by 17%. 15
National Target By 2020, the Nagoya Protocol on the regulation of access to genetic resources and the fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising out of their utilization has entered into force and is functioning in accordance with national legislation. 16
National Target (consists of two subtasks) By 2020, Russian legislation and practice ensure that in the planning and implementation of activities connected with utilization of and impact on biological resources and biodiversity conservation in areas of traditional occupancy by indigenous small populations, their traditional knowledge and traditional ways of economic activity and hunting are taken into consideration, and conditions are created for them to lead their traditional way of life. 18
Created, secured in legislation and applied are the mechanisms for the effective participation on all appropriate levels by the indigenous small populations and local communities in the resolution of issues relating to the use of and impact on biological resources, biodiversity conservation and consideration of traditional knowledge. 18
National Target The main provisions of the national target are presented in Section 17 of the National strategy and action plan for biodiversity conservation (NSAPBC). 20