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Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework Pavilion at the Seventh GEF Assembly

The Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity will convene a Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework Pavilion at the Seventh Assembly of the Global Environment Facility (GEF), taking place in Vancouver, Canada from 22 - 26 August 2023.

 Room 301, Vancouver Convention Center

GEF 7 Logo

The Seventh Assembly of the Global Environment Facility (GEF Assembly), being held in Vancouver, Canada from 22 - 26 August 2023, will be a critical stocktaking for 2030 goals to end pollution and biodiversity loss, combat climate change, and propel inclusive, locally led conservation. Thanks to the generous assistance of the government of Canada and the Secretariat of the Global Environment Facility, the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity will convene a Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework Pavilion at the Seventh Assembly of the Global Environment Facility.  The Pavilion will provide an opportunity for participants to learn about and discuss issues surrounding the implementation of the Framework on the margins of the GEF Assembly.

The seventh GEF Assembly marks the historic eighth replenishment of the GEF Trust Fund (GEF-8), successfully agreed in 2022. In anticipation of the adoption of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework by the Conference of the Parties (COP) to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), GEF-8 places a major focus on biodiversity. At its fifteenth meeting, held in December 2022, the CBD COP also requested the GEF to establish a dedicated Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) Fund, a vehicle for mobilising new and additional funding from all sources to support the effective and rapid implementation of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (KMGBF). A highlight of the GEF Assembly is expected to be the launch of the GBF Fund. The seventh GEF Assembly will therefore be an important step on the road to the successful implementation of the Framework.

The Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework Pavilion will be host to a curated series of events and dialogues aimed to strengthen the capacity and networks needed to allow stakeholders and Parties to the Convention to effectively work with the GEF to leverage resources. 

As part of this programme at the Pavilion, a high-level event will be held on 22 August from 13:00 to 14:30 hours. The event will be a demonstration of the support of major actors in support of the Framework, including the Acting Executive Secretary of the Convention on Biological Diversity, David Cooper, and the CEO and Chairperson of GEF, Carlos Manuel Rodríguez. 

Environmental leaders from over 185 countries will be participating in the GEF Assembly. 

The Pavilion will convene and encourage participation of government officials, representatives of indigenous peoples and local communities, women’s groups, youth, academia, business and industry and other civil society groups and organizations.

All Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework Pavilion events will take place in Room 301 of the Vancouver Convention Center.



More information:

Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework - 2050 Goals

Seventh GEF Assembly - Main Page


Programme for the GBF Pavilion at the Seventh GEF Assembly

Times are listed in Pacific Daylight Savings time (PDT)


1. Introducing the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework

  • A representative of the CBD Secretariat will introduce the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (KMGBF) and the inter-related nature of the goals and targets, and will discuss opportunities for partnerships, cooperation and mainstreaming in support of its implementation.   
  • This session will also highlight the accompanying monitoring framework and the approval of the GBF Fund as key elements for the effective implementation of the Framework. Against this backdrop, participants will be invited to share ideas and perspectives on these instruments, and on key related issues that could be addressed by the CBD Conference of the Parties at its sixteenth meeting in 2024.   


2. Accelerating Progress on Achieving the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework through NBSAP Ambition and Early Action   

Organized by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), this side event will showcase national and global efforts to accelerate the implementation of the Framework through National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAP). The focus is on early actions and efforts to support accelerated progress on NBSAPs update, revision and implementation. It will include two keynote speeches and two lively panels, highlighting efforts to date, challenges ahead, and areas for additional acceleration.

The discussion themes will be: 

  • setting global ambition; 
  • early action, early progress – national targets, NBSAPS, frameworks and policy coherence, and acceleration – catalyzing global progress; and
  • global opportunities for acceleration.


3. The Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework High-level Event            

  • This session will include a panel of high-level actors who are supporting the development of actions to implement the ambitious Framework. 
  • The Acting Executive Secretary of the Convention on Biological Diversity, David Cooper, will speak on the importance of strengthening efforts and acting urgently to implement the Framework. The Chief Executive Officer and chairperson of the Global Environment Facility, Carlos Manuel Rodriguez, is expected to highlight how the approval of the GBF Fund by the GEF Assembly will help in scaling up and catalyzing financing for effective and timely action in the implementation of the Framework. An indigenous youth, member of the UN Secretary-General Youth Advisory Group on Climate Change and of the Global Youth Biodiversity Network, Josefa Cariño Tauli (tbc), will stress the importance of meaningful engagement of youth, women and indigenous peoples and local communities in the implementation of the Framework.
  • Heads of UN agencies and Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs) will highlight the importance of cooperation at all levels and how their organizations can contribute to the success of the Framework
  • Ministers of environment will present perspectives on the national-level efforts and responsibilities needed to implement the Framework. 
  • The session will include a short, moderated question period.

15:00- 16:30

4. Dialogue with Multilateral Environmental Agreement Secretariats and GEF  

  • Organized by the GEF Secretariat, this MEA dialogue brings together Executive Secretaries or senior representatives from the secretariats of the conventions that the GEF serves and representatives from the GEF Secretariat. 
  • The session will provide an opportunity to discuss some key outcomes of the recent Conferences of the Parties (COPs) relevant to the GEF as well as issues to be considered during the GEF-8 period to ramp up the implementation of Conventions.

17:00- 18:30

5. The Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) Fund: Operational Mainstreaming through Multilateral Development Banks and International Finance Institutions  

  • This session will explore how instruments developed by international financial institutions and multilateral development banks can be leveraged to support the implementation of the Framework.  Selected countries will be invited to present their experiences in utilizing mainstreaming instruments. 
  • Representatives of Development Finance institutions (DFIs) / Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs) will present on their role in supporting the operation of the GBF Fund through nature-target investments and co-financing. The conversation will explore financial solutions and instruments that DFIs/ MDBs can develop or provide to support the mobilisation of resources from the GBF Fund in a manner consistent with their mandates. 
  • The panel will discuss lessons learned, showcase success stories and challenges in targeting investments towards nature conservation and restoration, as well as other co-benefits, including climate change mitigation and adaptation, and social and economic development.  
  • The panel will be followed by a moderated discussion on key opportunities and challenges to address mobilising finance from the GBF Fund through co-financing / blended finance solutions in a manner consistent with the mandates of DFIs/ MDBs and aligned with the needs of recipient entities.


Times are listed in Pacific Daylight Savings time (PDT)

09:00- 10:30

6. Engagement of Industry in the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework                                          


  • Organised by United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), this event will look at the role of industry in achieving the goals and targets of the Framework.  
  • The objective of the session is to provide the international community with inputs on the biodiversity-industry nexus and on how to mainstream biodiversity considerations in industry and productive activities.
  • The event will present concrete examples of policies, business models, technology innovation, initiatives and approaches that promote mainstreaming of biodiversity conservation within productive activities.

11:00- 12:30

7. Implementation of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework                                                    


  • This session will discuss accelerated implementation of the Framework, including planning. The intention of this session will be to raise the political profile of the National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plans (NBSAPs), as they require a whole-of-society and whole-of-government approach. 
  • Representatives of UNEP and UNDP will present on the GEF enabling activities and describe the plans for GEF-8. 
  • Representatives of Colombia, Norway, Japan and Germany to discuss about the NBSAP Accelerator initiative as a tool for national action. 
  • An interactive panel will discuss biodiversity mainstreaming in other sectors, and ways to involve a range of ministries (beyond ministries of the environment) in developing NBSAPs. A discussion about supporting the building of monitoring systems will be part of this session.

13:00- 15:00

8. A win-win for Gender and Biodiversity:  Transforming Women’s Rights and Gender Equality at CBD COP15


  • Organised by Women4Biodiversity, this session will look at the promising way forward for gender equality under the Framework. 
  • Speakers and attendees will be invited to explore how women’s rights, gender equality and more generally, human rights, can contribute to achieving the aspirations of Framework. 
  • The event will also provide key insights and possible actions on gender responsive indicators, reporting and funding for the pursuit of an inclusive, transformative and rights-based Framework.

15:30- 17:00

9. Communicating the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework:  A new visual identity and messages         


  • The purpose of this session is to engage participants on the language developed to communicate the Framework and encourage action on every level. 
  • In collaboration with The New Division, and Project Everyone, the CBD Secretariat will reveal the directions for visual branding and present messaging for the Framework, and discuss ways to communicate the Framework to a variety of stakeholders.  
  • This vision of the public and detailed dimensions of the communication language will be presented for feedback from session participants.


The Global Biodiversity Framework Pavilion will be open for use by indigenous peoples and local communities, youth, gender/women and GEF CSO networks for dialogues and networking relevant to implementation of the Framework. 

Times are listed in Pacific Daylight Savings time (PDT)


10. Networking: Youth and other civil society organizations                         


•    This period will provide a dedicated opportunity for interactions and discussions between representatives of youth, civil society organizations, and actors engaged in the international funding community. 

•    During this timeslot, the Global Youth Biodiversity Network (GYBN) will lead a 2hour session titled:" “Unleash the power of youth for KMGBF implementation - overcoming challenges to better access funds for biodiversity conservation”. The session will focus on how youth-led organisations and movements can work with partner organizations overcome the challenges and remove of obstacles to access funds for the implementation of biodiversity objectives.



11. Networking: Gender                                                                 


•    This period will provide a dedicated opportunity for interactions and discussions between gender advocates and actors engaged in the international funding community.

•    During this timeslot, Women4Biodiversity will hold a session titled “Gender: How to Develop Measurable Gender Indicators”.


The Global Biodiversity Framework Pavilion will be open for use by representatives of indigenous peoples and local communities, youth, gender/women and GEF civil society organisations and networks for dialogues and networking relevant to implementation of the Framework.

Times are listed in Pacific Daylight Savings time (PDT)


12. Networking: Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities                                 


•    This period will provide a dedicated opportunity for interactions and discussions between representatives of youth, civil society organizations, and actors engaged in the international funding community. 



13. Subnational and local authorities (closed)                                   


•    Meeting among members of the advisory committees of Global Partnership on Local and Subnational Action for Biodiversity



14. Networking: All Stakeholders                                                                                      


•    This period will provide a space for interested  participants to interact and exchange with actors of the international funding community. More information will be provided in due course.