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Research grants of up to US$15 thousand in Tropical Forests from the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute
The ForestGEO Grants Programme supports research that uses forest data from the programme’s field sites. Priority will be given to early-career researchers, and researchers with less access to other institutional funds. Social scientists and natural scientists of all nationalities are eligible. Applicants do not need to be associated with a site prior to applying, but each applicant will need to contact a site Principal Investigator (linked from the announcement) prior to submitting a proposal. Research projects up to US$15 thousand will be considered.
Opportunity Information
Funding support

Forest GEO (https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfdFOni9_mjY8QusrroAzpvoyQiX1SUv4LettSn9NExDbir3Q/viewform)
Detailed Opportunity Information

Students, postdocs, and early career researchers (researchers who have completed their PhD within the last seven years) who are working directly in a ForestGEO Forest Dynamics Site, analyzing site data, or generating complementary data that strengthens ForestGEO programmes are eligible to apply. Both social scientists and natural scientists are encouraged to apply. In rare cases, highly advanced undergraduate students will be considered. Applicants of all nationalities are encouraged to apply. Priority will be given to researchers with less access to other institutional funds, projects that include multiple sites, and projects that include a strong educational/capacity-building component.
Applicants must submit two documents following the below guidelines: 1. An online applicant information document through Google Forms. 2. A single PDF document with relevant information on candidate's objectives and the justification of the project. A research proposal (1000-word limit, research proposals that exceed 1000 words will be disqualified prior to review). The research proposal should include:


Linkages to CBD Initiatives
Aichi-T1. Awareness of biodiversity values
Aichi-T2. Integration of biodiversity values
Aichi-T4. Use of natural resources
Aichi-T10. Vulnerable ecosystems
Aichi-T11. Protected areas
Aichi-T15. Ecosystem resilience
Forest Biodiversity
Scientific and Technical Cooperation
Ecosystem Approach and Restoration
Contact Person
Pending Approval
Forest GEO

Smithsonian Institution
1100 Jefferson Dr. SW
Washington, District of Columbia

: ForestGEO@si.edu
: +1 202-633-6370 |
Primary Organization
Pending Approval
Smithsonian Institution (SI)
1100 Jefferson Dr. SW
Washington, District of Columbia

: global@si.edu
: +1 202-633-6370 |


Contributing Organization(s)