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Session Proposals 2022 of the World Biodiversity Forum
The World Bio­di­ver­si­ty Fo­rum brings to­ge­ther re­se­ar­chers across all di­sci­pli­nes of bio­di­ver­si­ty sci­ence with prac­ti­tio­ners and so­cietal ac­tors in a fo­rum that of­fers in­spi­ra­ti­on and ex­amp­les for ac­tions and so­lu­ti­ons to con­ser­ve bio­di­ver­si­ty. The Forum in­vi­tes cont­ri­bu­tions and proposals for sessions under the the­me “In­spi­ra­ti­on for Ac­tion.” The dead­line for sub­mis­si­on is 19 Ju­ly 2021.
Opportunity Information
Joint research or joint ventures for development of technical solutions/technologies relevant to biodiversity

Forum (https://www.worldbiodiversityforum.org/de/world-biodiversity-forum-2022)
Detailed Opportunity Information

You are in­vi­ted to cont­ri­bu­te to the se­cond edi­ti­on of the World Bio­di­ver­si­ty Fo­rum! The the­me is "In­spi­ra­ti­on for Ac­tion", and all are en­cou­ra­ged to crea­te ses­si­ons that are in­ter­ac­tive, fo­ster dis­cus­sion and ex­ch­an­ge, and bring to­ge­ther re­se­ar­chers from dif­fe­rent di­sci­pli­nes and va­rious so­ci­al ac­tors.
Plea­se use the form to sub­mit your pro­po­sal for or­ga­nis­ed ses­si­ons. In­di­ca­te whe­ther the ses­si­on will be upon in­vi­ta­ti­on on­ly, or if you ac­cept oral and po­ster cont­ri­bu­ti­ons to your ses­si­on. Al­so in­di­ca­te whe­ther you ha­ve al­re­a­dy con­fir­med spea­kers. Ses­si­on or­ga­niser are re­s­pon­si­ble for in­vit­ing spea­kers to their ses­si­on, and en­su­ring that in­vi­ted spea­kers re­gi­ster for the con­fe­rence.

Forum 2022 (https://www.worldbiodiversityforum.org/de/world-biodiversity-forum-2022)

Linkages to CBD Initiatives
Aichi-T1. Awareness of biodiversity values
Aichi-T2. Integration of biodiversity values
Aichi-T4. Use of natural resources
Aichi-T6. Sustainable fisheries
Aichi-T7. Areas under sustainable management
Aichi-T9. Invasive Alien Species
Aichi-T10. Vulnerable ecosystems
Aichi-T12. Preventing extinctions
Aichi-T14. Essential ecosystem services
Aichi-T15. Ecosystem resilience
Contact Person
Pending Approval
World Biodiversity Forum Office

World Biodiversity Forum
Congress Centre Davos,Talstrasse 49a
Davos Platz, Prättigau/Davos
7270, Switzerland

: info@worldbiodiversityforum.org
: +41 81 415 21 60 |
Primary Organization
Pending Approval
World Biodiversity Forum (WBF)
Congress Centre Davos,Talstrasse 49a
Davos Platz, Prättigau/Davos
7270, Switzerland

: info@worldbiodiversityforum.org
: +41 81 415 21 60 |

Contributing Organization(s)