Country Profiles

Convention on Biological Diversity

Ms. Sanne Kruid
Senior Policy Officer, International Biodiversity Policy
Directorate-General for Nature and Fisheries
Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality
P.O. Box 20401
2500 EK The Hague
Netherlands (Kingdom of the)

CBD Primary NFP, SBSTTA NFP, Gender and Biodiversity NFP, Resource Mobilization FP
+31 62 137 9204
Mr. Alexander Verkerk
Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality
P.O. Box 20401
The Hague 2500 EK
Netherlands (Kingdom of the)

CBD Secondary NFP, SBSTTA NFP, Resource Mobilization FP
Mr. Peter C. van Welzen
Researcher Tropical Plant Biogeography
Naturalis Biodiversity Center
P.O. Box 9517
2300 RA Leiden
Netherlands (Kingdom of the)

+31 71 7517 205
Mr. Rob J.J. Hendriks
Directorate for AgroKnowledge
Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy
PO Box 20401
2500 EK
The Hague
Netherlands (Kingdom of the)

+31 648132449
+31 70 3786181

Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety

Dr. Terrens N.V. Saaki
Biotechnology Policy Advisor
Directorate Environmental Safety and Risks, Directorate General Environment and International
Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management (MinIenW)
Rijnstraat 8
2515 XP The Hague
Netherlands (Kingdom of the)

Cartagena Protocol Primary NFP, Cartagena Protocol emergency contact point
+31 6 21 46 36 94
Dr. Marco Gielkens
Senior risk assessor
GMO Office
National Institute for Public Health and the Environment
PO Box 1
3720 BA Bilthoven
Netherlands (Kingdom of the)

+31 302 74 41 79
+31 302 74 44 01

Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit-sharing