Country Profiles

Spain - Country Profile

The national targets (or equivalent) presented in this database are taken from the NBSAPs received since COP-10, fifth national reports or from documents submitted separately. The mapping of national targets to the Aichi Biodiversity Targets by the Party concerned is indicated in the last column “Related Aichi Target(s)”. All Parties are encouraged to undertake this mapping exercise and to submit this information to SCBD for incorporation in this database.

Reference Target Related Strategic Goals/Aichi Targets
Objective 1.1 Apply the Spanish Inventory of Natural Heritage and Biodiversity and continue inventorying and monitoring biodiversity.
Objective 1.2 Organize, update and disseminate information on the inventory, status and monitoring of natural heritage and biodiversity, considering international and EU requirements.
Objective 1.3 Encourage research and innovation in biodiversity to address the needs of conservation, management and sustainable use.
Objective 2.1 To plan and manage coherent networks of protected areas and promote the orderly use of natural resources.
Objective 2.2 Promote ecological restoration, environmental connectivity of the territory and landscape protection.
Objective 2.3 To contribute to the conservation and restoration of natural habitats and wild species.
Objective 2.4 Establish mechanisms to prevent the entry of invasive alien species and mechanisms for their detection, eradication and control.
Objective 2.5 Protect native wildlife species in relation to hunting and inland fisheries.
Objective 2.6 Develop technologies and management experiences applied to wildlife to prevent damage and the risk of communicable diseases.
Objective 2.7 Regulate access to genetic resources and benefit sharing arising from the use thereof.
Objective 2.8 Increase knowledge on geodiversity and geological heritage and increase its protection.
Objective 2.9 Improve cooperation and collaboration between government and national and international organizations related to the conservation of geodiversity and geological heritage.
Objective 3.1 To advance the knowledge, consideration and integration of biodiversity into agricultural policies and practices in coordination with the Autonomous Communities, and through intersectoral cooperation, and stakeholder participation.
Objective 3.2 Promote sustainable forest management.
Objective 3.3 Contribute to the monitoring and improvement of the health status of forests and assess their contribution to climate change mitigation and adaptation.
Objective 3.4 Contribute to biodiversity conservation through fire management.
Objective 3.5 Contribute to biodiversity conservation through protection measures and soil conservation.
Objective 3.6 Increase the integration of biodiversity into water planning management.
Objective 3.7 Continue the policy of wetland conservation.
Objective 3.8 Know the state of conservation of marine biodiversity in Spanish waters.
Objective 3.9 Establish monitoring programs for marine biodiversity.
Objective 3.10 Establish integrated planning for the marine environment so as to reduce the impact of human activities on biodiversity.
Objective 3.11 Establish Marine Protected Areas and Natura 2000 areas in the marine environment and ensure consistent management.
Objective 3.12 Provide for the protection of marine habitats and species.
Objective 3.13 Protect and preserve the public maritime-terrestrial domain.
Objective 3.14 Achieve a balance between the exploitation and conservation of marine resources to ensure a sustainable level of harvest.
Objective 3.15 Effectively implement environmental assessment procedures.
Objective 3.16 Promote the sustainability of ecotourism.
Objective 3.17 Promote consistency and positive synergies between policies for biodiversity conservation and combating climate change.
Objective 4.1 [es] Ayudar a terceros países a la conservación y uso sostenible de su biodiversidad y reducir el impacto de las actividades de España sobre la biodiversidad y los recursos naturales de terceros países
Objective 5.1 Promote custody of the territory for the conservation of biodiversity.
Objective 5.2 Promote information, awareness and participation in society for the conservation of biodiversity.
Objective 6.1 [es] Trasladar y aplicar las conclusiones de los procesos supranacionales sobre la biodiversidad, en especial el CDB, a la política estatal de conservación
Objective 6.2 Establish coordination mechanisms and governance necessary for the implementation of the Strategic Plan for Natural Heritage and Biodiversity.
Objective 6.3 Increase the effectiveness of environmental criminal prosecution.
Objective 7.1 Consider biodiversity and ecosystem services, including their economic values, in public and private activities.
Objective 7.2 Promote green jobs and consideration of biodiversity in economic activities.
Objective 7.3 Reduce the impact of public procurement on biodiversity.
Objective 8.1 Ensure adequate funding for biodiversity conservation policy.