Country Profiles

Fiji - Country Profile

The national targets (or equivalent) presented in this database are taken from the NBSAPs received since COP-10, fifth national reports or from documents submitted separately. The mapping of national targets to the Aichi Biodiversity Targets by the Party concerned is indicated in the last column “Related Aichi Target(s)”. All Parties are encouraged to undertake this mapping exercise and to submit this information to SCBD for incorporation in this database.

Reference Target Related Strategic Goals/Aichi Targets
Focus Area 1 Improving our Knowledge (IK) 1
Fiji Target Fijians are aware of the values of biodiversity, and traditional knowledge and practices are integrated with the latest scientific knowledge into sustainable biodiversity conservation practices.
Strategic Area IK1 Strengthen public awareness of biodiversity, including understanding and application of traditional knowledge and practices in biodiversity conservation and protection.
Objective IK1a To conduct national education and awareness activities on the important role of biodiversity to people‘s livelihoods and overall wellbeing.
Objective IK1b Integrate traditional ecological knowledge, innovations and good practices of Fijian communities into conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity.
Objective IK1c Improve science-based knowledge on ecosystem services and biodiversity values.
Focus Area 2 Developing Protected Areas 11
Fiji Targets TERRESTRIAL TARGET: Areas of high biological importance have been identified by the Department of Environment and endorsed by the National Environment Council MARINE TARGET: Areas of high biological importance have been identified by the Department of Environment and endorsed by the National Environment Council. At least 30% of Fiji‘s offshore areas is effectively managed and part of a national marine protected area network; and by 2025, 100% of inshore traditional fishing grounds (iQoliqoli) are effectively managed within locally managed areas.
Strategic Area PA1 Expanded national representative network of protected areas, accounting for community engagement, sustainably managed under good governance systems.
Objective PA1a To carry out marine, terrestrial and wetlands gap analyses to guide the development of a national representative network of protected areas.
Objective PA1b To develop an implementation plan to meet Fiji‘s 30% commitment to establish a representative network of marine protected areas within Fiji‘s inshore, archipelagic and offshore waters, to protect marine biodiversity support communities and livelihoods and the national economy.
Strategic Area PA2 Expand Fiji’s protected area network at the national, provincial, district and community level to achieve national targets.
Objective PA2a Develop a national monitoring and evaluation framework for Fiji‘s protected areas to assess the management effectiveness of protected areas and promote adaptive management.
Objective PA2b To develop context specific co-management plans, recognising both informal and formal protected area sites at national, provincial and local level.
Objective PA2c To maintain the integrity of protected area networks by ensuring they are recognised and supported by other sectors, the national sustainable development agenda, and other government policies and frameworks.
Strategic Area PA3 Develop sustainable financing mechanisms for new and existing protected areas.
Objective PA3a To establish sustainable financing mechanisms to support protected area establishment, management and long-term effectiveness.
Strategic Area PA4 Share best practices and lessons learned to improve management effectiveness and governance.
Objective PA4 To develop and collate best practice guidelines and disseminate among local and national protected area sites.
Strategic Area PA5 Develop legislation and policy to establish and manage a protected area network for Fiji.
Objective PA5 To identify areas where existing legislation should be strengthened or new legislation drafted to improve enabling environment for establishment of a protected area network.
Strategic Area PA6 Improve institutional, governance and administrative frameworks for protected areas.
Objective PA6 To establish clear and effective institutional arrangements for the governance and administration of a national protected area network for Fiji.
Focus Area 3 Species Management (SM) 12, 13
Fiji Target By 2025, at least 10 known threatened plant and animal species have been protected and their conservation status, particularly of those most in decline, has been improved and sustained.
Strategic Area SM1 Increase access to expertise/ increased efforts made in the quality research.
Objective SM1 To develop and maintain species resource inventories and databases, for easy updating and use.
Strategic Area SM2 Decrease in illegal trade of endangered and threatened species
Objective SM2a To assist in the improvement of local port/border control enforcement and monitoring, and increase support and capacity for enforcement and monitoring of the Convention on International Trade in Wild Species of Fauna and Flora (CITES).
Objective SM2b To increase capacity for enforcement and monitoring of the Endangered Protected Species Act (EPS) 2002 and Regulations.
Strategic Area SM3 Increase Government’s contribution to conservation budgets
Objective SM3 To secure a national budget allocation for species conservation.
Strategic Area SM4 Improved communication amongst stakeholders, including communities, on threatened and endangered species
Objective SM4a To establish practical systems and processes for information sharing on threatened and endangered species.
Objective SM4b To develop mechanisms for facilitating community feedback to the Department of Environment on species management and conservation.
Focus Area 4 Management of Invasive Species (MIS) 9
Fiji Target Fiji‘s invasive alien species (IAS), pathways, risks and threats to biodiversity and livelihoods are identified; priority IAS are controlled or eradicated; and by 2023 measures are in place to manage pathways to prevent their introduction and establishment.
Strategic Area MIS1 Target research to support improved knowledge on invasive alien species in Fiji.
Objective MIS1a To identify pathways for invasive alien species introduction.
Objective MIS1b To establish and maintain a national invasive alien species database.
Strategic Area MIS2 Strengthen national legislation, policies and strategies to support effective prevention and management of invasive alien species.
Objective MIS2a To conduct a legislative review and gap analysis for invasive alien species.
Objective MIS2b To develop a National Invasive Alien Species Strategy and Action Plan (NISSAP).
Objective MIS2c To strengthen the role and function of the Fiji Invasive Species Taskforce (FIST) as the multi-stakeholder coordination mechanism to provide policy and technical advice on Invasive Alien Species and biosecurity to the National Environment Council, Biosecurity Authority of Fiji, Department of Environment and other relevant bodies.
Objective MIS2d To actively participate in international and regional for a such as the Convention on Biological Diversity, Pacific Invasive Partnership (PIP) and regional discussions in areas such as Genetically Modified Organisms, debates on risk of pests and diseases, as well as lessons learning for improved practice and policy lessons in invasive alien species and biosecurity.
Objective MIS2e To ensure effective implementation and monitoring of national Invasive Alien Species policies, strategies, programmes and initiatives.
Strategic Area MIS3 Improve monitoring and surveillance of invasive alien species in Fiji
Objective MIS3a To maintain international standards of national quarantine and biosecurity surveillance programme.
Objective MIS3b To review and strengthen control and response programmes for priority invasive alien species, e.g. Biosecurity Authority of Fiji -National Framework to termite response.
Strategic Area MIS4 Raise awareness in Fiji, including with visitors, to reduce the introduction of invasive alien species
Objective MIS4 To put in place an invasive alien species public awareness programme, including at all ports of entry into Fiji, as well as at major inter-island transport locations.
Focus Area 5 Enabling Environment and Mainstreaming (EEM) 4
Fiji Target Agencies have put in place relevant legislations and policies, including Access and Benefit Sharing protocols that support NBSAP implementation; businesses and production sectors are adopting Fiji‘s Green Growth Framework; and stakeholders at all levels have taken steps to develop and implement plans for sustainable production and consumption.
Strategic Area EEM1 Appropriate legal, policy and institutional frameworks that support implementation of Fiji’s NBSAP are in place.
Objective EEM1 Strengthen relevant law, and policy frameworks that support NBSAP implementation and the protection and wise use of biodiversity.
Strategic Area EEM2 Strengthen application and operationalization of the Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and Benefit Sharing (ABS) in Fiji.
Objective EEM2 Develop and implement relevant Access and Benefit Sharing policy and legislation in Fiji.
Strategic Area EEM3 Improve involvement of the Taukei institutions such as Ministry of iTaukei Affairs, iTaukei Lands Trust Board, and Provincial Offices in implementation of NBSAPs
Objective EEM3 Ensure biodiversity value of traditionally owned land is enhanced.
Strategic Area EEM4 Mainstreaming Climate Change into Biodiversity Conservation
Objective EEM4 Ensure climate change adaptation is mainstreamed into biodiversity conservation.
Focus Area 6 Sustainable Use and Development (SUD) 5, 6, 7, 8
Fiji Target The NBSAP strategies and action plans are fully incorporated into 5 & 20 Year National Development Plan, the Green Growth Framework and other sectoral plans (e.g. Renewable Energy, Agriculture, Forestry, Mining, Tourism, etc.)
Strategic Area SUD1 Mainstreaming biodiversity into production and service sectors
Objective SUD1 Integrating biodiversity conservation and sustainable use and management into the production and manufacturing downstream processing and value adding for agriculture, fisheries, forestry, tourism, mining, other land-uses and transport industries.
Strategic Area SUD2 Mainstreaming biodiversity into national sustainable development and poverty reduction strategies.
Objective SUD2 Integrate biodiversity-relevant issues into Fiji‘s National Development Plan, Green Growth Framework and poverty reduction strategies.
Strategic Area SUD3 Reducing major threats to forest and freshwater ecosystems from unsustainable logging, agriculture, fisheries, mining and human settlements.
Objective SUD3 Improve coordination of Government policies, legislations and management guidelines to ensure protection of Fiji‘s forest and water-catchment ecosystems.
Strategic Area SUD4 Reducing major threats to inland waters (watershed, streams, rivers and lakes) such as dredging, floods, gravel extraction, mining, agriculture, deforestation, tourism, sugar, manufacturing, waste management.
Objective SUD4 Establish locally managed areas, protected areas and/or Ramsar sites, at priority catchments, wetlands and key biodiversity areas and strengthen EIAs for all forms of development activity in inland waters.
Strategic Area SUD5 Reduce major threats to Fiji’s coastal ecosystems such as reclamation, unsustainable tourism development, river dredging and pollution.
Objective SUD5 Improve coordination of national policies, legislations and management guidelines to ensure protection of Fiji‘s coastal and marine ecosystems.
Strategic Area SUD6 Strengthen ecosystem based approaches to coastal fisheries management to reduce overharvesting and destructive fishing methods to maintain and improve coastal and coral reef ecosystems.
Objective SUD6a Scale up successes in sustainable fisheries management in inshore traditional fishing grounds (iQoliqoli) using a range of traditional and modern fisheries management tools and put in place supportive enabling mechanisms.
Objective SUD6b Improve coordination and partnership of Government, NGOs, academic institutions, local government, communities and fisheries sectors to support policies, legislations, management guidelines and sustainable financing to ensure protection of Fiji‘s coastal fisheries and ecosystems.