Country Profiles

Hungary - Country Profile

The national targets (or equivalent) presented in this database are taken from the NBSAPs received since COP-10, fifth national reports or from documents submitted separately. The mapping of national targets to the Aichi Biodiversity Targets by the Party concerned is indicated in the last column “Related Aichi Target(s)”. All Parties are encouraged to undertake this mapping exercise and to submit this information to SCBD for incorporation in this database.

Reference Target Related Strategic Goals/Aichi Targets
Strategic Area I Preserving the country’s natural areas and values, and improving their conservation status; creating the conditions for the comprehensive implementation of the European Union’s Birds and Habitats Directives.
Objective 1 Improving the condition of Natura 2000 sites as well as protected natural areas and those subject to international environmental protection treaties, and ensuring satisfactory environmental management.
Objective 2 Improving the environmental conditions of the most problematic species of community importance, as well as the most endangered species.
Objective 3 Developing a knowledge base serving the successful and effective preservation of species in need of protection and of community importance, as well as habitat types of community importance.
Objective 4 Improving public awareness and judgement of biodiversity, natural values of community significance, as well as protected natural areas and Natura 2000 sites via knowledge dissemination, attitude shaping, and interpretation.
Strategic Area II Maintaining and restoring landscape diversity, green infrastructure, and ecosystem services
Objective 5 Preserving landscape diversity and ecological landscape potential.
Objective 6 Coordinated development of green infrastructure elements in order to maintain and improve the functioning of natural systems and adapt to the effects of climate change, including the improvement of connections between areas of ecological and landscape ecological functions, as well as the reconstruction of potential area elements and degraded ecosystems.
Objective 7 Defining the value of ecosystems as well as tangible and intangible services that are indispensable to man, and integrating them into the comprehensive and thematic strategies aimed at the management of natural resources as well as into decision-making concerning local and national territory usage and territorial development.
Objective 8 Integrating aspects serving the preservation and development of biological and landscape diversity into comprehensive and relevant sectoral policies using the toolset of green infrastructure and ecosystem services, with special regard to territorial organisation.
Strategic Area III Increasing the role of agriculture in the conservation of biodiversity
Objective 9 Preservation, development and sustainable use of genetic resources in our agriculture; increasing the diversity of the genetic resources used in agriculture.
Objective 10 Promoting a varied, mosaic-patterned agriculture in view of the objective of preserving biological diversity as well as environmental and landscape protection, and the due utilisation of domestic and local biological foundations (and especially the varied animal and plant genetic resources in farming).
Objective 11 By 2020, maximising the total area of land under sustainable farming via the diversity-related measures of the common agricultural policy (agricultural and environmental management payments, Natura 2000 compensation payments etc.), thus promoting to maintaining or increasing agricultural and, consequently, general biodiversity.
Stategic Area IV Sustainable forestry and wildlife management; protection and sustainable usage of water resources
Objective 12 In order to preserve and increase biodiversity, further increasing the total size of forests managed via nature-friendly forestry methods; and effective enforcement of biodiversity considerations during the planning of the total forested area.
Objective 13 In wildlife management, big game management does not endanger the renewal of biodiversity; the natural reproduction of small game starts, and endangered communities are rehabilitated.
Objective 14 As part of the management of fish communities in natural waters, promoting the natural reproduction (and thus renewal) of fish, preserving endangered fish species in the wild, rehabilitation of endangered habitats, and especially protecting breeding and nesting places. Ensuring the possibility of crossing waters or traversing them longitudinally.
Objective 15 Identifying the role of waters in watery and water-dependent on-land ecosystems; dissemination and coordination of water management as well as logical and frugal water consumption; decreasing water pollution in order to preserve biodiversity and maintain the ecosystem services of micro- and macro-level life forms dependent on water.
Strategic Area V Fighting invasive non-indigenous species
Objective 16 Curbing the communities of invasive non-indigenous species that harm the natural or near-natural ecosystem; preventing potentially dangerous invasive species from entering and settling in Hungary.
Strategic Area VI Increasing Hungary’s contribution to halting the world-wide loss of biodiversity; meeting the obligations arising from biodiversity-conservation related agreements
Objective 17 Applying the principle of due care when emitting genetically modified organisms into the environment, in order to prevent any negative impact on biodiversity.
Objective 18 Protecting animal and plant species threatened by trade
Objective 19 Ensuring access to genetic resources as well as the just and fair sharing of the benefits resulting from their utilisation, thus promoting comprehensive compliance with the Nagoya Protocol as soon as possible.
Objective 20 Increased emphasis on preserving biodiversity in Hungary’s international activities, including the provision of funds to developing countries.