Country Profiles

Nepal - Country Profile

The national targets (or equivalent) presented in this database are taken from the NBSAPs received since COP-10, fifth national reports or from documents submitted separately. The mapping of national targets to the Aichi Biodiversity Targets by the Party concerned is indicated in the last column “Related Aichi Target(s)”. All Parties are encouraged to undertake this mapping exercise and to submit this information to SCBD for incorporation in this database.

Reference Target Related Strategic Goals/Aichi Targets
Protected Area Biodiversity Programme of Work on Protected Area (POWPA) developed and implemented by 2016.
Conservation plans for 20 additional priority species (10 animals and 10 plants) developed and implemented by 2020.
Methods/processes for economic valuation of ecosystems services available by 2017.
Plans for sustainable management of at least five grasslands and five wetlands inside protected area prepared and implemented by 2020.
“Overpass” and/or “underpass” built in at least three key locations (including one at the highway in Barandabhar corridor) to allow free movement of wild animals across adjacent habitats, by 2020.
Protected area tourism management system revised (including structure of the entry fee and its distribution) by 2016.
Forest Biodiversity outside Protected Area At least 50 percent of the production forests come under sustainable management by 2020.
At least 10 percent of the remaining governmentmanaged forests come under community based management by 2020.
All the DFOs and FUGs will develop and implement NTFPs management plan, especially targeting conservation of over-harvested species by 2020.
The rate of forest loss and degradation reduced by at least 75 percent of the current rate by 2020.
At least 10,000 ha of the encroached forestland reclaimed by 2020.
All the districts, community forests, collaborative forests, and leasehold forests management plans have mandatory inclusion of a biodiversity chapter and the DFOs and user groups implement those provisions by 2020.
All the forests in the five north-south priority corridors (Figure 15) have conservation-friendly management by 2020.
Additional 5,000 hectares degraded forest rehabilitated through pro-poor leasehold forestry by 2020.
Rangeland Biodiversity Assessment of status and trends of biodiversity and biological resources in at least 10 major rangelands completed by 2020.
Conservation action plans for at least 10 threatened rangeland-dependent plant and animal species developed and implemented by 2020.
The roles and responsibilities of DOF and DLS in the management of rangelands located outside protected area harmonized by 2016.
Wetland Biodiversity By 2017, status of biodiversity in at least 10 major wetlands assessed.
By 2020, additional five wetlands of international importance enlisted as Ramsar sites.
By 2020, plans for maintaining unhindered north-south biological connectivity in at least three major rivers developed and implemented.
Encroachment and eutrophication controlled in at least 10 major wetlands by 2020.
An effective mechanism to control mining of gravel and sand from rivers and streams developed and implemented by 2015.
By 2020, conservation plans (in-situ and ex-situ) for at least 10 threatened and economically valuable native fish and other aquatic species developed and implemented.
By 2017, at least three suitable wetlands declared and managed as fish sanctuaries.
By 2020, plans to control industrial pollution in at least five major rivers and five other wetlands developed and implemented.
By 2020, commercial fish farming initiated in at least three hydropower reservoirs.
By 2016, the roles and responsibilities of different government line agencies (such as DOF, DOA, NEA, DOI) in the management of wetlands located outside protected area clarified/harmonized.
Agrobiodiversity Community based management of agrobiodiversity strengthened and expanded to at least five additional districts by 2020.
By 2020, effective functional linkage established between the Gene Bank and community based seed or gene banks.
By 2020, the Gene Bank will collect and conserve genetic materials of at least 75 percent of the commonly cultivated crop and horticulture species.
By 2020, at least 10 wild relatives of domesticated crops effectively conserved (in-situ or ex-situ).
By 2020, a plan to monitor the level and nature of use of insecticides, pesticides and chemical fertilizers developed and implemented.
By 2020, DNA level characterization of at least 10 native breeds of livestock completed.
By 2020, one-door system for regulating genetic resources (both PGR and AnGR) established.
Mountain Biodiversity Research focusing on biological richness of mountain ecosystems, and diversity-driven ecosystem services completed in at least 10 major mountain ecosystems, by 2020.
By 2020, at least 10,000 hectares degraded mountain ecosystems restored through implementation of ecosystem based adaptation programmes.
Cross-cutting Themes and Sectors By 2015, a National Strategic Framework for Conservation developed and implemented.
Umbrella legislation for conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity enacted by 2016.
Legislations on CITES, ABS, plant protection, and farmers' rights formulated and enacted by 2018.
By 2016, the National Parks and Wildlife Conservation Act (1973) amended to address the changed ecological, social and political context.
The Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits Arising from their Utilization ratified by 2015.
The Genetic Resources and Benefit Sharing Bill finalized and enacted by 2016.
A sui generis legislation for protection of plant varieties formulated and enacted by 2017.
Intellectual property rights legislation formulated and enacted by 2018.
By 2019, biodiversity considerations incorporated in the policies, plans and programmes of relevant line ministries and other relevant government and nongovernment agencies.
By 2016, the Government of Nepal (Allocation of Business) Regulations (2012) revised for giving biodiversity mainstreaming due importance.
By 2016, at least all the government policy have been reviewed and mainstreamed gender and social inclusion policy.
By 2020, government and all other stakeholders will ensure at least 33 percent meaningful participation of women, dalit, janajatis and marginalized communities at all levels of planning and decision making.
By 2020, ensure equitable access of women and men, including disadvantage social groups to biological resources and benefits sharing.
By 2015, separate Biodiversity and Environment Division established and operationalized at the MoFSC.
By 2016, organizational structure of the MoFSC departments revised as per the changed context.
By 2017, Environment Friendly Governance District/Village/Municipality Coordination Committees established in at least the selected 15 DDCs and 30 VDCS/Municipalities to plan, coordinate, monitor and execute biodiversity management in respective areas.
By 2020, LBSAP developed and implemented by 30 VDCs/municipalities.
By 2016, a forestry sector human resource development plan developed and implemented.
The landscape management strategy revised and implemented by 2016.
Development, by 2015, and effective implementation of Chure conservation strategy.
By 2020, participatory and integrated soil and water conservation initiatives implemented in at least 30 critical sub-watersheds.
By 2020, detail survey of the coverage and research on modes of propagation, ecological and economic damage and loss, control measures, and possible uses of at least five most problematic IAPs completed.
By 2020, a low-carbon economic development strategy and climate-smart biodiversity management plan developed and implemented.
The National REDD Strategy finalized and approved by 2016.
By 2020, climate change adaptation planning adopted by at least 3,000 communities based forest user groups.
By 2020, at least five percent of the forested ecosystems restored through implementation of REDD+ program.
By 2020, the concept of Smart Green Infrastructure applied while constructing new infrastructure such as roads, railways and transmission lines within protected areas.
By 2017, existing information on ecosystems and species updated.
The Flora of Nepal project successfully completed by 2020.
Updated information on the status of endemic plant species available by 2016.
National Clearing House Mechanism upgraded and made fully functional by 2015.
A National Biodiversity Information Management System (NBIMS) established at the MoFSC and operationalized by 2016.
By 2020, status of nationally threatened, rare and endangered species of flora and fauna updated.
Baseline survey of NTFPs and animal genetic resources completed by 2020.
By 2020, at least 100 new audiovisual packages on different aspects of biodiversity prepared and disseminated.
By 2020, on-site lecturing, demonstration and interpretation infrastructure developed in at least five selected protected areas and Ramsar sites.
By 2020, three modern zoos established to conserve threatened flora and fauna and to educate people about them.
Knowledge in climate risk assessment and initiate climate-smart agriculture and forest management programmes developed by 2020.
Result based monitoring and evaluation systems developed and implemented in at least two programmes by 2020.