Country Profiles

Qatar - Country Profile

The national targets (or equivalent) presented in this database are taken from the NBSAPs received since COP-10, fifth national reports or from documents submitted separately. The mapping of national targets to the Aichi Biodiversity Targets by the Party concerned is indicated in the last column “Related Aichi Target(s)”. All Parties are encouraged to undertake this mapping exercise and to submit this information to SCBD for incorporation in this database.

Reference Target Related Strategic Goals/Aichi Targets
GOAL 1 Increased knowledge of current and future status of biodiversity in Qatar 19
Qatar National Target 1.1 By 2025, a complete open access biodiversity database is live online and fully functional, operating as an awareness tool as well as a decision making tool.
Qatar National Target 1.2 By 2025, at least 35 new scientific papers will have been published in peer reviewed journals on biodiversity issues in Qatar.
Qatar National Target 1.3 By 2025, the population trends of globally threatened marine and terrestrial species found in Qatar will be known.
Qatar National Target 1.4 By 2025, the key habitats for biodiversity conservation in Qatar will be known and mapped.
Qatar National Target 1.5 By 2025, an annual national Biodiversity Status Report will be introduced and published, and available in a format usable by policymakers.
GOAL 2 Public participation in biodiversity conservation and increased interest & awareness 1
Qatar National Target 2.1 Interactive environmental sciences, desert ecology and marine ecology modules with outdoor activities will be incorporated in all public middle school and high school national curricula by 2025.
Qatar National Target 2.2 Starting in 2015, at least one public nationwide campaign is held per year on biodiversity (marine, wetland, desert, etc...) with cooperation amongst NGOs, government and private sector.
Qatar National Target 2.3 By 2025, at least one community volunteer/citizen science program at one protected area is established.
Qatar National Target 2.4 Starting 2016, at least two annual biodiversity related nationwide celebrations and events are organized (World Environment Day, World Oceans Day, World Turtle Day, World day to combat desertification, Run/Swim/Bike for Biodiversity Marathon, International day for Biodiversity etc…)
Qatar National Target 2.5 By 2025, biodiversity news is featured at least 3 times a month in national media (social media, local English and Arabic press, national TV).
Qatar National Target 2.6 Between 2015 and 2025, at least one major international biodiversity conference is hosted in Qatar.
GOAL 3 Preservation of coastal ecosystems and sustainability of marine resources 5, 6, 10, 11, 12
Qatar National Target 3.1 By 2025, all commercial fish in Qatar will be sustainably fished.
Qatar National Target 3.2 By 2025, the feasibility of at least one Marine Stewardship Council or Aquaculture Stewardship Council certified local fishery or farm is carried out.
Qatar National Target 3.3 By 2025, a marine turtle conservation action plan is in place and being implemented.
Qatar National Target 3.4 By 2020, a Marine Action Plan is developed, taking an ecosystem approach and identifying Ecologically and Biologically significant Areas (EBSAs)
Qatar National Target 3.5 By 2025, 3 new adequately selected key representative coastal/marine protected areas are declared for conservation, including nesting and habitats for marine turtles, migratory birds, coral reef habitat and/or sea grass habitat.
Qatar National Target 3.6 By 2025, key areas for whale sharks are known and protected.
Qatar National Target 3.7 By 2020, marine mammal annual and seasonal surveys are in place.
GOAL 4 Preservation of key terrestrial biodiversity through effective management of protected areas 5, 10, 11, 12, 15
Qatar National Target 4.1 Management Plans and monitoring programs for all protected areas in Qatar are developed by 2025, with the participation of local communities, relevant stakeholders and local and international expertise.
Qatar National Target 4.2 At least 3 protected areas have educational visitor centers by 2025, employing local members of the community and offering eco-tourism activities.
Qatar National Target 4.3 Increase visitors to protected areas by 40% by 2025, with special emphasis on school visits and youth activities.
Qatar National Target 4.4 Carry out scientific assessments for protected areas every 3 years to evaluate success in habitat and species conservation.
Qatar National Target 4.5 Designate at least 2 protected areas under international conventions (WHC, Ramsar, UNESCO biosphere reserve) to increase their popularity and international status, contribute to Qatar’s image internationally.
Qatar National Target 4.6 By 2025, terrestrial protected areas are effectively helping in combatting desertification and land degradation by conserving a rich variety of native vegetation.
GOAL 5 Qatar is developing sustainably by having biodiversity conservation incorporated into national planning processes 2, 4
Qatar National Target 5.1 By the end of 2014, the updated and formally adopted National Biodiversity Strategy is communicated to all ministries and institutions and its main actions points are known.
Qatar National Target 5.2 Starting 2015, all revisions of national development strategies mention and take into account biodiversity conservation and are harmonized with the updated biodiversity strategy.
Qatar National Target 5.3 By 2025, conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity is integrated into all the relevant sectors of the government and national plans of the country as required under Article 6(b) of the CBD.
Qatar National Target 5.4 By 2016, a cross-sectoral committee on biodiversity is formed to review national progress towards biodiversity conservation.
Qatar National Target 5.5 By 2016, the National Biodiversity Strategy is recognized as a national priority with a shared responsibility for implementation, with at least two members from each ministry nominated to act as a liaison with the Ministry of Environment on biodiversity and environmental protection issues.
Qatar National Target 5.6 Starting 2016, at least 4 meetings per year take place between the Ministry of Environment and planning authorities to review projects in sensitive areas, communicate biodiversity priorities and their importance for Qatar Vision 2030.
Qatar National Target 5.7 By 2020, the conditions for the conservation of biodiversity and its sustainable use are being taken into consideration in all development projects by finalizing rules, regulations and guidelines on Environmental Impact Assessments and Environmental Permitting.
Qatar National Target 5.8 All forms of pollution and contamination are lowered to non-detrimental levels by 2020 so that ecosystems are not harmed.
Qatar National Target 5.9 By 2025, the principles and goals of multilateral environmental agreements ratified by Qatar are mainstreamed into national development policy and planning processes.
GOAL 6 Enhanced local capacity for biodiversity conservation 1, 2, 19
Qatar National Target 6.1 Increase the number of Qatari undergraduate university students in Biological and Environmental Sciences by 2025.
Qatar National Target 6.2 Increase Master’s Thesis and PhD thesis in Biological and Environmental Sciences carried out and funded in Qatar yearly starting in 2016
Qatar National Target 6.3 Increase qualified manpower of Ministry of Environment by 2025.
Qatar National Target 6.4 By 2025, increase Ministry of Environment management level staff with at least Master’s degree qualification.
Qatar National Target 6.5 By 2025, at least 25% more training programs are provided to Ministry of Environment relevant staff.
Qatar National Target 6.6 By 2025, the capacity for the implementation of multilateral environmental agreements is enhanced and facilitated by comparing, identifying and promoting synergies amongst multilateral environmental agreements signed and ratified by the State of Qatar.
Qatar National Target 6.7 By 2025, the number of qualified staff in charge of multilateral environmental agreements has increased to allow for better reporting, coordination and implementation.
GOAL 7 Protection of Qatar’s genetic resources and ensuring their equitable sharing 9, 13