The International Day for Biological Diversity:Biodiversity and Agriculture 22 May 2008



In Azerbaijan, the IBD is celebrated annually on 22 May. On the eve of IBD, two new specially protected areas were created in Azerbaijan. One is a National Park, the other a State Nature Reserve. In preparation for IBD, greening activities were carried out in these areas. Activities aimed at raising public awareness were also carried out by school children, students and the general public. Posters, booklets and promotional news reels were prepared for these purposes.

In recent years, the following were established in Azerbaijan:
  • 8 national parks
  • 4 nature reserves
  • 3 protected areas
  • 5 of the existing nature reserves were increased in size.

The work continues.

Международный день биологического разнообразия (МДБ) - 22 мая 2008 года

В Азербайджане ежегодно 22 мая отмечается День Биоразнообразия. Hакануне праздника в Азербайджане были созданны двe новыe особо охраняемыe территории. Одна из них это Национальный Парк, другая - государственный природный заповедник. На данный момент ведутся работы по озеленению террирорий, подготовка к празднику. Проводится просветительная работа среди шкoльников, студентов и населения. С этой целью подготовленны постеры, буклеты, рекламные ролики.

За последние годы в Азербайджане было созданнo: 8 Национальных парков, 4 заповедникa, 3 заказникa, расширенны территории 5-ти бывщих заповедников.

В настоящее время работа продолжается.

The territory of specially protected natural areas in Azerbaijan now extends to approximately 750 000 hectares, which represents 8.7% of the country. An extensive forest planting initiative is also being implemented in country. Azerbaijan is also implementing significant actions to increase public awareness and education on biodiversity among local people, schools, universities and media.