Economics, Trade and Incentive Measures

ID 67455
Main Information
Title Recognising the value of protected areas
Description TEEB for policy makers - Chapter 8: Recognising the value of protected areas 
Chapter 8 focuses on the role of protected areas in underpinning global human welfare and ways to improve their effectiveness.  
8.1 provides an overview of their current status (definition, categories, coverage) and outlines the value and socio-economic potential 
of ecosystems preserved by protected areas.  
8.2 analyses specific benefits and costs associated withprotected areas and presents the results of comparisons at global, national and local levels.  
8.3 improving effectiveness through economic evaluation 
8.4 provide insights on how economic valuation of protected area costs and benefits can provide useful tools to support their implementation, e.g. by building an attractive case for protection and helping 
to obtain sustainable and long-term financing. 
8.5 addresses the broader context and the importance of multi-level policy support and effective 
institutional frameworks to secure lasting results. 
8.6 draws together key conclusions and presents an enabling framework for protected areas in the future.
Web Link /doc/case-studies/inc/cs-inc-teeb.Chapter 8-en.pdf
Additional Information
Authors U:\Documents\Web\doc\case-studies\inc
Source TEEB for Policy Makers Summary document
Keywords Protected areas
Ecosystem approach
value of protected areas