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Side Event

Advances in marine conservation in Chile: lesson learned, virtuous partnership and challenges for new MPAs

WWF Chile

Date and Time
28 October 2010 13:15 - 14:45

Tenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (COP 10)

Since the time of Chile’s canoeist populations along its coasts, Chile has a long outstanding history of maritime vocation in the southeastern Pacific. In the last decade, this vocation has been reinforced by the need for the sustainable use of marine resources and their environments, which has been reflected in several conservation efforts during this period. The objective of this side event is to show the marine conservation efforts carried out by Chile, among which is a new institutional environmental arrangement, the creation of new Marine Protected Areas, and the consolidation of a focused collaboration between the state and NGOs. We will highlight the creation of Ministry of Environment, the advances towards a Service of Biodiversity in Protected Areas, the implementation of new Marine and Coastal Protected Areas, and the announcement of a large dimension no-take Marine Park in insular Chilean territory. In addition, as a basis for advancing marine conservation in fjords and channels, we will present the development and implementation of a participatory approach by the Ministry of Environment and NGOs to identify marine and coastal High Conservation Value (HCV) areas in southern Chile.