Side Event
Aichi Target 11 - Reshaping the agenda for Marine Protected Areas
The Nature Conservancy
Date and Time
9 October 2012 18:15 - 19:45
Eleventh meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (COP 11)
During this event, we will provides a review of current MPA coverage (July 2012), showing dramatic increases in recent years. While this gives the impression that the 10% MPA target might be attainable, we revisit such information in the light of the Aichi Target 11 which introduces important new elements – the need for equitably managed sites, placed within a wider framework, and above all the clear identification of the importance of conserving ecosystem services. considerations for conservation- consideration of ecosystem services benefits, equity, the notion of effective area-based conservation measures and for the consideration of protected areas within wider ecosystem settings. The discussion will focus on the implications of such changes introduced by the aichi target 11 in the marine and coastal work of the convention, and on the additional efforts needed to achieve the Aichi targets in the marine environment and achieving the vision of the strategic plan - "sustaining a healthy planet and delivering benefits essential for all people".