Side Event
Wildlife Watching and Tourism
Convention on Migratory Species and TUI
Date and Time
24 March 2006 13:15 - 15:0
The side event explores: 1. information on: · the numbers of tourists engaging in “wildlife watching” tourism activities, · the range of “wildlife watching” tourism activities (for example, ranging from bird watching to whale watching, from interest in large mammals to coral reefs and sharks) · the impacts and benefits of “wildlife watching” for wildlife, conservation and economic development, including income and opportunities for local communities. 2. Highlight critical questions for successful long-term management of “wildlife watching”, including: · how can the long-term sustainability of “wildlife watching” be assured as it expands as an activity? · what is and is not sustainable in the context of “wildlife watching” from both conservation and tourism perspectives? · how can watched species and their habitats best be maintained and protected, and what contribution can “wildlife watching” tourism make to this? · how can “wildlife watching” be developed so that these activities also contribute to poverty alleviation and other Millennium Development Goals? · what are the roles of key stakeholders – particularly the tourism sector, the conservation sector, and government – in achieving this?