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Side Event

Pantanal Research Center (CPP) and Pantanal Regional Environmental Program (UNU-PREP): networking for the advance of biodiversity research in wetlands

United Nations University-Pantanal Regional Environmental Programme (UNU-PREP); United Nations University- Institute for Advanced Studies (UNU-IAS); Conservation International (CI) and Earthwatch.

Date and Time
28 March 2006 13:15 - 15:0

Eighth Ordinary Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (COP 8)

The objective of this side event is to stimulate networking in research on biodiversity in wetlands. Lecturers will speak on this theme for about 60 to 90 minutes and will introduce the work of the CPP and UNU-PREP as examples. The remaining time will be devoted to discussion between participants with the aim to expand the science networks on biodiversity in Brazil and abroad.