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Side Event

"New developments in the International Pollinators Initiative"

U.S. (Dana Roth, USDA and Kelly Milton, US State Dept); Brazil (Braulio Dias, Ministry of the Environment); South Africa (Connal Eardley, plant Protection Research Institute and African Pollinator Initiative)

Date and Time
22 March 2006 18:30 - 20:15

Eighth Ordinary Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (COP 8)

A book (and CD) was developed by 20 experts from around the world at a meeting in South Africa in May 2003. The book is designed to provide tools to policymakers and practioners to improve conservation of pollinators and the ecosystem services they render. The book takes the format of the Program of Work on Agricultural Biodiversity and the International Pollinators Initiative (IPI), and is meant to support implementation of the IPI. The launching of this book will be combined with a launching of the Brazilian Bibliography of Pollination and Pollinators (book and CD). Brazil was critical in the development of the CBD IPI and they may also circulate the report of the Sao Paulo Declaration Plus 5 Workshop. We will have representatives from the North American Pollinator Protection Campaign, the Brazilian pollinators initiative, the African Pollinator Initiative, and FAO present.