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Side Event

Toward an International Mechanism of Scientific Expertise on Biodiversity (IMOSEB) -

The Executive Secretariat of the Consultative Process towards an IMoSEB.

Date and Time
29 March 2006 13:15 - 15:0

Eighth Ordinary Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (COP 8)

This event will showcase the progress made in the consultative process to evaluate the need of an International Mechanism of Scientific Expertise for Biodiversity (IMOSEB). The setting up of this consultative process was decided at the International Conference “Biodiversity: Science and Governance” (Paris, January 2005) that consisted in an informal high-level dialogue between scientists and policy-makers. The first meeting of the large multistakeholder International Steering Committee that will guide the consultation is held on February 21 & 22 2006, in Paris. The side-event will be the occasion to present the results of this meeting.