Side Event
The Andean Amazon Initiative for the Prevention of Biopiracy - La Iniciativa Andino Amazónica para la Prevención de la Biopiratéria
Iniciativa Andino Amazónica para la Prevención de la Biopiratéria
Date and Time
27 March 2006 13:15 - 15:0
The event will present and discuss the research results of The Andean Amazon Initiative for the Prevention of Biopiracy. The researches have special emphasis on issues related to articule 15 of the CBD - International Regime on Access and Benefit-Sharing and it's elements (certificates of origin/legal provenance) and to articule 8J of the CBD - traditional peoples rights to their resources and knowledge. The initiative is a national, regional and international effort undertaken with a view to address biopiracy from different angles and perspectives: transformative research, formation of networks, campaigns and awareness raising activities, organizations of meetings, contributing to sound policy making and promoting better patent search practices.