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Side Event

Traditional Knowledge, the CBD and UNU

United Nations University Institute of Advanced Studies

Date and Time
30 March 2006 13:15 - 15:0

Eighth Ordinary Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (COP 8)

Awareness of the value of traditional knowledge (TK), particularly its potential contribution to sustainable development and poverty alleviation, is growing at a time when such knowledge is being threatened as never before. The causes of this loss are complex and profound. The CBD has proven to be a key forum for identifying these causes and addressing some of them. With the engagement of indigenous peoples, CBD’s Working Group on Article 8j has advanced recognition of traditional knowledge and its role in sustainable resource use. Research into TK, developing more effective mechanisms for recognising TK and capacity building will also make an important and vital contribution to addressing these problems. For example, new ways of valuing, using and recording this TK are needed. New ways of understanding how TK can not only be preserved but also maintained and adapted to changing circumstance are urgently required. News ways of articulating the views of TK holders and developers are urgently needed. This roundtable proposes to explore how research by institutions such as UNU, WIPO and others can contribute more effectively addressing the challenging problems raised by Article 8(j).