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Side Event

Human resource formation for biodiversity conservation.

-Universidade Federal do Paraná -Forum of coordinators of graduate studies programs in ecology and conservation in Brazil

Date and Time
31 March 2006 13:15 - 15:0

Eighth Ordinary Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (COP 8)

Education should be directed by human actions and the path to a more just society. Actions that suggest biodiversity conservation inevitably pass through educational and moral channels at all levels. An informed society values its natural riches and works as an important force in the preservation of such resources. In this context, education at the graduate level works as a multiplier of knowledge and effort, in the sense that such professionals will act not only in the practice of conservation in their research, but also in the dissemination of knowledge for future generations. Nevertheless, those regions of the globe with the poorest knowledge of the flora and fauna are also those regions where human resources are lacking. An associated issue is that, countries with the greatest biodiversity are also those that have the fewest qualified professionals that may adequately define priority areas for conservation of biodiversity and its continued maintenance. In order that biodiversity be conserved, we must apply immediate measures for conservation, but we must also provide for continuance of those measures. Therefore, graduate studies in ecology, conservation, zoology and botany have a very important role. That role is to develop qualified future professionals who will pass their knowledge around as well as implement their newly discovered techniques for the conservation of biodiversity. Therefore, we propose that during the COP8 we have a round-table dialogue whose objective is to discuss and exchange information on multilateral experiences in the formation of human resources and of possible international cooperation with the goal of improving our communication and the mechanisms for the conservation of biodiversity. This proposition is an initiative of the Federal University of Paraná (UFPR) and of the forum of coordinators of graduate studies programs in ecology and conservation in Brazil. We recognize and welcome the possibility of of amplifying the theme of this discussion. We are conversing with the University of Florida over the possibility of a partnership. That university is one of the most active in conservation biology in the United States. We have a partnership with the University of Chile, who, through its Interdisciplinary Program for Biodiversity Studies, has contributed to this discussion in Chile, a country with high levels of endemism and considered a “hotpsot” for conservation. This proposed round-table will include as participants, four speakers and a moderator. Speakers will include two Brazilians (plus the Brazilian moderator), one American and one Chilean. Each speaker will have 15 minutes for his presentation of his experiences in the formation of human resources. A discussion period will begin after all speakers have finished. Talks and speakers will be as follows (all the speakers have enthusiastically confirmed their interest in attending): 1)The formation of human resources in biodiversity conservation in South America: challenges for countries with the greatest biodiversity. - Dr. Fernando Santibañez ( Interdisciplinary Program for Biodiversity Studies, University of Chile). 2)Training in biodiversity conservation: an exchange of experiences between developed and developing countries – Dr. Robert Buschbacher (Associate Program School of Forest Recourses and Conservation, Institute of Food and Agricultural Science, University of Florida). 3)A Brazilian iniciative in the formation of human resources in biodiversity conservation – Dr. Fábio Rúbio Scarano (Representative from Ecology and the Environment of CAPES). 4)Scientific bases for the conservation of biodiversity – Dr. Fernando Fernandez (Graduate Program in Ecology, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro) 5)Mediator: Dr. Marcia C. M. Marques (Graduate Program in Ecology and Conservation, Federal University of Paraná) The costs for travel will be covered by the home institution of each speaker. The Federal University of Paraná will be responsible for hotel reservations, transportation and publicity for the event.