Economics, Trade and Incentive Measures

ID 100222
Submitting Entity giz
Main Information
Title Integrating Ecosystem Services into Development Planning: A stepwise approach for practitioners based on the TEEB approach
Description This guide on Integrating Ecosystem Services into Development Planning (IES) aims to assist advisors, project staff and development planners in partner countries in recognising the links between nature and development. It considers the environmental and economic trade-offs associated with development measures and helps to systematicallyincorporate ecosystem service-related opportunities and risks into the planning and development of strategies. This step-by-step approach aims to support GIZ programmes and partners to integrate ecosystem services into the design and review of development plans, sector-specific and spatial planning, environmental and climate assessments, as well as into project development and proposal formulation.
Web Link /doc/case-studies/inc/giz-2012-en-integr-ecosys-serv-in-dev-planning.pdf
Additional Information
Keywords Financial resources
Development plans
Ecosystem Services