Economics, Trade and Incentive Measures

ID 4907
Submitting Entity Global Biodiversity Forum (4th meeting, Montreal, Canada, 1996)
Submitted for Third Ordinary Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (COP 3)
Main Information
Title Community development programme for sustainable use in Cameroon
Description A survey of the communities living near the Injim Forest, Cameroon, revealed that 90% of respondents were concerned about environmental problems associated with forest degradation. The Injim Mountain Forest Project (IMFP) was then initiated by Birdlife International, with funding from WWF, in conjunction with government, other NGOs and local communities. The objectives of the IMFP are to secure the populations of two endangered species and to promote sustainable management of the forest through the introduction of alternative economic activities and education and training programmes.

There are three components of the IMFP: community forest management, sustainable livelihood, and ecological monitoring. Local communities were encouraged to participate in each stage of the project development, as were relevant NGOs and government ministries.

The use of a range of measures, including the involvement of all stakeholders, the use of economic incentives, partnership building, and training people in new methods for sustainable use, served to reverse the trend of forest degradation and biodiversity loss.

Web Link /doc/meetings/cop/cop-03/official/cop-03-24-part1-en.pdf
Additional Information
Authors Lisinge, E.
Source Case Study on Incentives: Injim Mountain Forest Project;4th Session of the Global Biodiversity Forum, Montreal, Canada, (1996)
Countries Cameroon
Ecosystems Forest Biodiversity
Regions Africa
Incentive Measures Environmental Funds / Investments
Indirect Incentives (property rights, market creation)
Positive Incentives (subsidies, tax breaks, ...)
Keywords Revenue sharing with communities
Community participation