Thirteenth meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice SBSTTA 13 Meeting Information About SBSTTA AgendaDocumentsInformation Notes for Participants Parallel Events Poster Session Training SessionsSide Events SBSTTA 13 // Training Sessions Thursday // 2.21.2008 SBSTTA 13 - Training Sessions Workshop on the development of national/regional biodiversity-related targets and indicators and their integration in national biodiversity strategies and action plans, 16 February 2008, Rome, ItalyMeeting documents and presentations Training workshop in preparation for SBSTTA 13, 17 February 2008, Rome, Italy The CBD programme of work on forest biodiversity EnglishFrenchSpanish Role and Functioning of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice (SBSTTA) EnglishFrenchSpanish Applicability of the Addis Ababa Principles and Guidelines to the Sustainable Use of Agricultural Biodiversity EnglishFrenchSpanish Implementation of the CBD Programme of Work on Agricultural Biodiversity EnglishFrenchSpanish Sustainable Forest Management and the Ecosystem Approach – Two Concepts, One Goal EnglishFrenchSpanish
SBSTTA 13 // Training Sessions Thursday // 2.21.2008 SBSTTA 13 - Training Sessions Workshop on the development of national/regional biodiversity-related targets and indicators and their integration in national biodiversity strategies and action plans, 16 February 2008, Rome, ItalyMeeting documents and presentations Training workshop in preparation for SBSTTA 13, 17 February 2008, Rome, Italy The CBD programme of work on forest biodiversity EnglishFrenchSpanish Role and Functioning of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice (SBSTTA) EnglishFrenchSpanish Applicability of the Addis Ababa Principles and Guidelines to the Sustainable Use of Agricultural Biodiversity EnglishFrenchSpanish Implementation of the CBD Programme of Work on Agricultural Biodiversity EnglishFrenchSpanish Sustainable Forest Management and the Ecosystem Approach – Two Concepts, One Goal EnglishFrenchSpanish