Thirteenth meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice SBSTTA 13 Meeting Information About SBSTTA AgendaDocumentsInformation Notes for Participants Parallel Events Poster Session Training SessionsSide Events SBSTTA 13 // Information Notes for Participants Sunday // 2.10.2008 SBSTTA-13 Information Notes for Participants Full Text (revised) This revision is issued to provide/clarify the address and name of the focal person to whom posters can be sent. 1. Venue 2. Registration 3. On site registration 4. List of delegations 5. Official opening 6. Documents 7. Arrival at Leonardo da Vinci (Fiumicino) Airport 8. Services to Participants 9. Visa/customs 10. Hotel information 11. Side-events 12. Promotional material 13. Poster session 14. Other 15. Disclaimer
SBSTTA 13 // Information Notes for Participants Sunday // 2.10.2008 SBSTTA-13 Information Notes for Participants Full Text (revised) This revision is issued to provide/clarify the address and name of the focal person to whom posters can be sent. 1. Venue 2. Registration 3. On site registration 4. List of delegations 5. Official opening 6. Documents 7. Arrival at Leonardo da Vinci (Fiumicino) Airport 8. Services to Participants 9. Visa/customs 10. Hotel information 11. Side-events 12. Promotional material 13. Poster session 14. Other 15. Disclaimer