Thirteenth meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice

SBSTTA-13 Information Notes for Participants

  • Full Text (revised)
    This revision is issued to provide/clarify the address and name of the focal person to whom posters can be sent.

Below is an indicative list of hotels (Annex B) located close to the meeting venue (FAO Complex). To benefit from the FAO preferential rates, please indicate that you are attending a meeting at the FAO when making your reservation. Letters of nomination and invitation to attend the meeting is required and must be produced upon check in.

The Summertime travel agency hosted by FAO can also provide assistance with regard to hotel accommodation. Please contact the travel agency directly at or by telephone (+ 39 06 5705 or 06 5705 6122). The business hours (Italy time) are as follows: From 9 a.m. to 12: 45 p.m. and 2 to 5 p.m. Participants are kindly reminded that they have to make their own hotel reservations as soon as possible.

14. Other