2.1 Contracting Parties Registration of representatives from Contracting Parties is subject to the receipt by the Secretariat of an official notification.
The official notification, to be sent preferably through diplomatic channels, must be received
no later than 28 January 2008, and must indicate the names, titles and contacts of delegates nominated to attend the meeting.
The notification should be sent to the Executive Secretary at the address below:
Mr. Ahmed Djoghlaf
Executive Secretary
Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity
413 St. Jacques St., Suite 800
Montreal, Quebec
H2Y 1N9 Canada
Fax: + 1-514-288-6588
2.2. Observers 2.2.1 Observer States Rule 6.1 of the rules of procedure applies to States not Party to the Convention that wish to be represented as observers in the meeting.
The registration of these representatives is subject to the receipt by the Secretariat of an official written notification. The notification must be received
no later than 28 January 2008 and must indicate the names, titles and contacts of the delegates nominated to attend the meeting.
The notification should be sent to the Executive Secretary at the address indicated in item 2.1 above. Please note that pursuant to rule 6.2 of the rules of procedure, these observers may, upon invitation of the COP President, participate in the meeting, without the right to vote, unless at least one third of the Parties present at the meeting object.
2.2.2 Observers from the United Nations and its specialized agencies Rule 6.1 of the rules of procedure applies to the United Nations, its specialized agencies and the International Atomic Energy Agency that wish to be represented as observers in the meeting.
The registration of these representatives is subject to the receipt by the Secretariat of an official written notification. The notification must be received
no later than 28 January 2008 and must indicate the names, titles and contacts of the delegates to the meeting.
The notification should be sent to the Executive Secretary at the address indicated in item 2.1 above. Please note that pursuant to rule 6.2 of the rules of procedure, these observers may, upon invitation of the COP President, participate in the meeting, without the right to vote, unless at least one third of the Parties present at the meeting object.
2.2.3 Bodies or agencies qualified in the fields of biodiversity conservation and sustainable use Rule 7.1 of the rules of procedure applies to bodies or agencies qualified in the fields of biodiversity conservation and sustainable use wishing to be represented as observers in the meeting.
The registration of these representatives is subject to the receipt by the Secretariat of an official written notification. The notification must be received
no later than 28 January 2008.
The notification must take the form of an official letter from the Chief Executive or President of the organization and must indicate the names, titles and contacts of the delegates to the meeting.
It should be sent to the Executive Secretary at the address indicated in item 2.1 above.
Please note that pursuant to rule 7.2 of the rules of procedure these observers may, upon invitation of the COP President, participate without the right to vote in the proceedings of any meeting in matters of direct concern to the body or agency they represent, unless at least one third of Contracting Parties present at the meeting object.