Thirteenth meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice

SBSTTA-13 Information Notes for Participants

  • Full Text (revised)
    This revision is issued to provide/clarify the address and name of the focal person to whom posters can be sent.

The theme of the poster session for SBSTTA-13 is “Mainstreaming Biodiversity Issues into Forestry and Agriculture”. For more information, such as date of submission, guidelines etc. please refer to the notification 2007.114, which can be retrieved from the Secretariat’s web site:

Participants in the poster session wishing to ship their posters to the meeting venue (FAO, Rome) could send them to the address provided under 1 above to the attention of Mr. Bargigli

It should be noted that given the limited storage space at the meeting venue, participants may have to make their own arrangements through their embassies or hotels for the shipping of their posters.

14. Other