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Side Event #4713


Date Wednesday
2022.12.14 @ 13:15
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Room Brahmaputra
Capacity: 187 people
Conference WG2020-5 / COP-15 / CP-MOP-10 / NP-MOP-4
Fifteenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (Part Two)
Title Nature-based Solutions to climate change and other social challenges by conservation and restoration of mangrove ecosystem, focusing on its multiple services
Marine and Coastal Biodiversity
Climate Change and Biodiversity
Aichi Biodiversity Targets


1. Background and Purposes

Mangrove ecosystem, which brings a variety of benefits to people, is expected to address multiple challenges simultaneously, including climate change, DRR and enhancement of livelihood. However, mangrove forests in the world have drastically declined over the last decades. Therefore, many states inhabited by mangroves are currently promoting mangrove conservation and restoration. Private companies recently have a great interest in conservation and restoration of mangrove forests which stores much higher carbon, responding to a growing number of institutional investors who incorporate ESG investing approaches, and expecting to purchase carbon credits generated from the conservation project in order to achieve their carbon neutral target by 2050. 

This side event aims to deepen understanding the importance of conservation of mangrove ecosystem as NbS to multiple social challenges in coastal areas, to share relevant government policies and implementation and cooperation activities by donors and private companies, then identify challenges and necessary approaches, including development of a collaboration mechanism among stakeholders, to accelerate the restoration and ensure the conservation and sustainable management, in order to achieve targets of Post 2020 GBF, especially on marine ecosystem restoration, enhancing NCP, climate change control through EbA, and financial resource mobilization. 

2. Organizers

Organizer: Japan International Cooperation Agency

Co-organizers: Secretariat of CBD, Ministry of Environment, Japan, Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Indonesia, Institute for Advanced Study of Sustainability United Nation University, International Partnership for SATOYAMA Initiative

3. Agenda

(1) Opeinng Address: JICA

(2) Presentation

1) Programme Officer on Marine and Coastal Biodiversity, Secretariat of CBD: Conservation and restoration of coastal ecosystems as NbS to climate change in Marine & Coastal Biodiversity Programme (tentative) 

2) Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Indonesia: Policies on biodiversity conservation on mangrove conservation in Indonesia

3) Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability: Restoration and sustainable management of SATO-UMI by stakeholder engagement (Tentative)

4) Japan Internationl Cooperation Agency: Approach for the cooperation on mangrove conservation and restoration as NbS to address climate change and other social challenges (Tentative)

(3) Panel Discussion

Moderator: JICA


Keidanren Committee on Nature Conservation (TBC)

World Bank (TBC)

Organizations above 1) to 3)

(4) Closing Address

Ministy of Environment Japan


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