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Side Event #4900


Date Saturday
2022.12.10 @ 16:00
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Room Amazon
Capacity: 197 people
Conference WG2020-5 / COP-15 / CP-MOP-10 / NP-MOP-4
Fifteenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (Part Two)
Title Indigenous and local communities small scale fisheries: local stewardship for the implementation of the 2030 biodiversity conservation agenda
Blue Ventures | Coope solidar | SSNC | SwedBio | ICCA Consortium | CBD | gcr | OACPS | ICSF/CIAPA | CFFA | Lmma network | Marine network | CAOPA | SSF Hub | W4B | Packard Foundation | Synchronicity Earth |
Marine and Coastal Biodiversity
Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity
Conference of the Parties
National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAPs)
Post 2020 Framework
Implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity
Indigenous peoples and local communities
Gender and Biodiversity
Traditional Knowledge, Innovations and Practices
Biodiversity for Development
Aichi Biodiversity Targets


For marine and freshwater conservation to be effective and comply with the objectives and mandates of the 2030 agenda and the proposed Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF), we need to recognize the centrality of small-scale fisheries (SSF), indigenous peoples and local communities (IPLCs) to conservation success. They are the stewards and caretakers of the ocean, coasts, rivers, and lakes. The value and importance of SSF and IPLCs for food security and for conservation of marine and freshwater biodiversity is gaining increased recognition, e.g. UN Ocean Conference (UNOC) political declaration “Our Ocean, Our future, Our responsibility” and the UN FAO COFI Declaration for Sustainable Fisheries and Aquaculture. Yet, the current GBF does not reflect, respect nor sufficiently guarantee indigenous and local community SSFs human rights and stewardship.


Protecting and respecting the rights of small-scale fishers and IPLCs, safeguarding traditional management, the transmission of indigenous and local knowledge and the potential of sharing nature’s benefits inclusively and equitably will be some of the main challenges for the implementation of the new GBF.  The aim to designate 30% of Earth's land and ocean as protected areas by 2030 (30x30) through MPAs, OECMs, EBSAs and other forms of area based conservation measures all present challenges to small-scale fishers, local communities and indigenous territories inhabitants. Decades of learning from the field of conservation show that protected areas will fail unless it emphasises the primacy of human rights and recognises the centrality of Indigenous peoples and local communities to conservation success. These exclusive processes have also sometimes resulted in the violation of IPLC’s rights, especially in those territories where fishing is a way of life and is intrinsically linked to the sustainable use and management of marine and freshwater resources. 


This will be a 90-minute interactive panel of SSF representatives from around the world, sharing their experience and suggestions to ensure a truly transformative biodiversity agenda that includes participatory, inclusive, transparent and accountable implementation of the Post-2020 GBF that safeguards human rights, gender equality and their ways of life.


Speakers will discuss the SSF Call to action in the framework of the SSF guidelines, as well as  tools and practical recommendations towards effective and efficient implementation of the GBF that considers a human rights based approach. 


The event will be part of the International Year of Artisanal Fisheries and Aquaculture and the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development, with the support of the FAO.



Run of show

This interactive hybrid event will explore how to implement the upcoming GBF through a human rights based approach to marine and freshwater conservation. Framed by recent discussions at the UN Oceans Conference in Lisbon and UN FAO COFI, we will discuss how to ensure that SSFs and IPLCs are leading the design, implementation, monitoring and management of marine areas. 


The event will be an opportunity to learn from small-scale fishers, from marine territories of life, in diverse geographies throughout the world. Panellists from coastal communities will talk about their experience and recommendations for truly inclusive and efficient marine conservation and they will discuss the necessity of ensuring their centrality to the development and implementation of the framework of the GBF.


The session will also allow for a discussion through a 15 minutes, facilitated question and answer session, where the audience will have the opportunity to share their experiences and/or ask additional questions to the panellists.




SSF representatives and IPLCs from:

  • Canada

  • Latin America

  • Africa

  • Asia

  • Europe

Language / interpretation: English, French, Spanish



  • Main Global Agreements on the role of SSF : Bridging conservation and sustainable use of ocean resources.

First Part: An overview of the potential consequences of area-based conservation measures on SSF in the GBF

  • The case of Canada SSF

  • The case of LMMA-Fiji SSF 

Second part: Towards co-management of SSF fisheries: Community based marine governance and local marine stewardship

  • The case of Costa Rica SSF

  • The case of Madagascar  SSF

  • The case of Chile  SSF

Third part: Marine conservation: Rights and leadership of artisanal fishers and coastal communities

  • SSF Guidelines and the SSF Call of action : UN Ocean Conference * representative from CAOPA

  • Fisherwomen and Target 22

  • CBD Secretariat


  • Intervention from governments

Experience sharing / questions from the audience


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Vezo fisher in Madagascar



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