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Side Event #5251


Date Tuesday
2023.10.17 @ 18:15
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Room CR-9 - Africa
2nd floor
Capacity: 80 people
Conference SBSTTA-25 / COP & MOPs Resumed
Twenty-fifth meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice
Title Accelerating Global Conservation Efforts to Achieve 30x30: Tools for Technical and Financial Assistance ( event dedicated for HAC for N&P country members only)
Costa Rica | HAC N&P |
Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework
Knowledge Management
Protected Areas
In-Situ Conservation
Exchange of Information



The purpose of the High Ambition Coalition for Nature and People (HAC N&P) is to enhance cooperation to support HAC N&P country members in successfully implementing Target 3 through activities such as political mobilization, sharing knowledge and capacity building through the 30x30 Solutions Toolkit, and technical and financial assistance with the matchmaking tools being developed117 countries are members of the HAC for N&P and have identified the need to request technical and financial assistance to progress on achieving Target 3.  


This 75min side event’s objective is to present and review the technical and financial assistance matchmaking tools with countries and get their feedback on how these tools can support them in achieving the 30x30. HAC N&P matchmaking tools being developed are web-based tool seeking to connect assistance requesting countries and assistance providers. Through this side event, HAC N&P members will better understand how the tools and matchmaking mechanisms work and will have the opportunity to provide inputs. The event will have a segment focusing on technical assistance and another focus on financial assistance matchmaking. It is a collaborative effort organized by Costa Rica, France, and the United Kingdom as co-chairs of the HAC N&Pand the HAC for N&P Secretariat.  


Agenda (75 minutes) 

10 min: Welcome and opening remarks (Representative from one of the HAC N&P co-chairs) 


10 min: Presentation of the HAC matchmaking platformsdesigngeneral mechanism, difference, and complementarity. (HAC N&P Secretariat) 


20 min: On the technical assistance matchmaking 

  1. Presentation of the technical assistance matchmaking platform and mechanisms (HAC N&P Secretariat) 

This first segment will provide some information on the content and design of the technical matchmaking platform. It will also highlight how the technical assistance matchmaking mechanism works within the HAC N&P tool: supporting requesting countries, proactively approaching assistance providers, connecting countries and assistance providers, follow-up and monitoring 


  1.  Guided discussions with HAC N&P members  

The discussion will provide a time for national technical assistance providerto share their will to use the HAC N&P tool and share the first expertise to be offered to the members. It will be followed by a Q&A Session  


20 min: On the financial assistance matchmaking 

  1.  Presentation of the financial assistance matchmaking.  

This second segment will provide some information the financial assistance matchmaking. Moreover, this segment will also explain the  link with the FIRE Platform as it has been developed by BIOFIN. The HAC N&P Secretariat and the BIOFIN Team will share how the two initiatives will collaborate to include 30x30 financial matchmaking. It will provide more insights on the matchmaking mechanism and invite countries to use the tool for providing financial assistance in the upcoming months. 

  1. Guided Discussions with HAC N&P members 

  1. The discussion will provide a time for national financial assistance providerto share their will to use the HAC N&P tool and share financial assistance to be offered to the members. It will be followed by a Q&A Session  


10min: Overall discussion and short technical summary on key points (HAC N&P Secretariat) 

5 min: Closing remarks by a representative froco-chair (TBC) 



HAC N&P members only (117 countries). 


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