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Side Event #1054


Conference SBSTTA-20 / SBI-01
Twentieth meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice
Title Indigenous Peoples' and Local Communities' Recommendations for Appropriate Recognition and Support of ICCAs and other Community Conservation Initiatives
Strategic Plan 2011-2020
Indigenous peoples and local communities
Agricultural Biodiversity
Forest Biodiversity
Marine and Coastal Biodiversity
Biodiversity for Development
Climate Change and Biodiversity
Ecosystem Approach and Restoration
Gender and Biodiversity
Protected Areas
Traditional Knowledge, Innovations and Practices


Several recent CBD Decisions (e.g. XI/14, XI/24, XI/25, XII/3, XII/5, XII/12 and XII/19) recognise territories and areas conserved by indigenous peoples and local communities (ICCAs) for their multiple values and significant contributions to biodiversity conservation and restoration, as well as the role of collective action in achieving the CBD and Aichi Targets. Even with ever-increasing recognition of ICCAs in the CBD, there is a need for greater understanding of appropriate forms of recognition and support. This side event provides a platform for indigenous peoples and local communities to share their own recommendations to state governments, donors, NGOs and others on how to appropriately support their ICCAs and conservation initiatives. It will include an overview of the Community Conservation Resilience Initiative and will feature community experiences and recommendations from several countries. The community presentations will also consider issues relating to climate change (Agenda Item 8), sustainable wildlife management (Agenda Item 9), protected and conserved areas and ecosystem restoration (Agenda Item 10), and mainstreaming of biodiversity across agriculture, forests and fisheries (Agenda Item 13). Invited speakers include members of the ICCA Consortium and Global Forest Coalition (including representatives of Indigenous Peoples' Organisations), government delegates and GEF-SGP.

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