Webinar series on digital sequence information on genetic resources
The Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity is offering a global webinar series and online discussion forum to share information related to digital sequence information on genetic resources (DSI), with collaboration with the ABS Capacity Development Initiative.
This series is informal and not part of the formal process. It is organized by the co-chairs of the post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework with the support of the Secretariat to facilitate broader understanding and exchange of ideas among parties and stakeholders.
This webinar series aims to foster a common understanding of DSI and its importance and linkages to:
- the Convention,
- the Nagoya Protocol, and
- the Sustainable Development Goals,
This webinar series is open to everyone interested in understanding how DSI is being addressed under the CBD, in preparation for the third meeting of the Open-ended Working Group on the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework.
You can also participate by contributing to the online Discussion forum on DSI policy options
Webinar 4 and Discussion Forum : Criteria to Consider Policy Options on DSI
Click here for a paper on the criteria to consider policy options on DSI
(French/ Français)
(Spanish/ Español)
Webinar 3: Policy Options for ABS and DSI
To see the presentation click here (English)
(French/ Français)
Cliquez ici pour la présentation (Français)
(Spanish/ Español)
Haga clic aquí para ver la presentación (Español)
This webinar presented different policy options for access and benefit-sharing and digital sequence information on genetic resources emerging from various studies and dialogues, being proposed by different actors and stakeholders.
For more information and a document list click here to be directed to the bottom of this page.
Webinar 2: DSI under the CBD
Webinar 1: Understanding DSI
More information:
Notification #1, Notification #2
Digital sequence information on genetic resources
The Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit-sharing
Webinar Recordings and Documents
Discussion Forum and Webinar on Criteria to Consider Policy Options on Digital Sequence Information on Genetic Resources
The informal online discussion forum will enable Parties and stakeholders to share information and views on policy options and evaluation criteria. The forum will be kicked off by the 4th webinar in the DSI series, which will focus on criteria for the evaluation of policy options with regards to Digital Sequence Information on Genetic Resources.
This online Forum will include:
1. A webinar on Criteria for Assessing DSI Policy Options
Date: 21 April 2021
Time: 9am-10am EDT (1pm-2pm UTC)
2. Online Forum covering 3 topics:
21 April --Categories of policy options
21 April --Potential criteria for assessing policy options
24 April --Policy options feasibility and appropriateness
All channels will close May 2nd
Host: The Co-chairs of the Open-ended Working Group on the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework, Mr. Francis Ogwal and Mr. Basile van Havre, with the support of the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity
Details on Webinar/Forum Agenda
- The webinar will be held on the Interactio platform in English with simultaneous interpretation in French and Spanish. Attendees do not require a camera or microphone to participate in this webinar, only your computer’s speaker or earphones. Please note that there will be a Q&A to clarify any material presented in the webinar but all discussion will be taking place in the discussion forum.
- The online discussion forum will be in English.
Policy options for access and benefit-sharing and digital sequence information on genetic resources
9:00am-10:30am EST (2:00pm-3:30pm UTC)
Hosted by the CBD Secretariat and chaired by the Co-Chairs of the Open-ended Working Group on the Post 2020 Global Biodiversity Framework (WG2020), this webinar presented the different policy options for access and benefit-sharing and digital sequence information on genetic resources emerging from various studies and dialogues being proposed by different actors and stakeholders.
Hosted by: Secretariat for the Convention on Biological Diversity
Click here to view the presentation
Click here for a paper on the potential policy options identified
Details on Webinar Agenda
- The webinar will be held on the Interactio platform in English with simultaneous interpretation in French and Spanish. Attendees do not require a camera or microphone to participate in this webinar, only your computer’s speaker or earphones. Please note that the chat and question functions are very limited.
- Attendees will be able to ask questions either in advance or during the webinar by sending an email: dsiwebinar@cbd.int. Due to the limited time, attendees are encouraged to send questions by February 10. Please note that not all questions may be answered.
Additional Information
- “Hot off the press!” Our partners at the ABS Capacity Building Initiative have just launched two useful tools. The first is an explanatory video on DSI, view it and share it: DSI – Simply Explained - YouTube and the second is a presentation on Points to consider when assessing policy options for DSI which is now posted on YouTube (https://youtu.be/ewjuXCDt1Z0).
- Additional information on the policy options presented during this webinar can be found in the document list below:
- ABS Capacity Development Initiative. First Global Dialogue on Digital Sequence Information on Genetic Resources (Report in EN and FR), 6 – 8 November 2019, Pretoria, South Africa (November 2019) – organized in partnership with the Norwegian Government and the South African Department of Environment, Forest and Fisheries
- Aubry, S., C. Frison, J. C. Medaglia, E. Frison, M. Jaspars, M. Rabone, A. Sirakaya, D. Saxena, E. van Zimmeren. Bringing access and benefit sharing into the digital age (2021) People and Planet, in press
- DEFRA, contract by ICF Consulting Services Limited. Digital Sequence Information: An Evidence Review (14 August 2020) Note: the review does not represent the UK position on DSI but is intended to help progress knowledge and considerations around DSI for parties and stakeholders.
- EU-China Environment Project Report (pepared by: C. Lyal, F-W. Zhao). EU – China Workshop on ABS and DSI Report Access and Benefit Sharing and Digital Sequence Information 28-29 May 2020 (2020)
- International Chamber of Commerce. Digital Sequence Information and Benefit Sharing (2 May 2019)
- Laird, S., R. Wynberg, M. Rourke, F. Humphries, M. Ruiz Muller, C. Lawson. “Rethink the expansion of access and benefit sharing” (13 March 2020)
- Lawson, C., F. Humphries, M.F. Rourke. The future of information under the CBD, Nagoya Protocol, Plant Treaty, and PIP Framework (2019)
- Morgera, E., S. Switzer, M. Geelhoed. Study for the European Commission on ‘Possible Ways to Address Digital Sequence Information – Legal and Policy Aspects’ (December 2019)
- Oldham, P. Digital Sequence Information - Technical Aspects (2020)
- Ruiz Muller, M., K. Angerer, J.H. Vogel and J.C. Acabá-Torres. “Common Ground, Cause and Sense for Users, Providers and Agents: Bounded Openness over Genetic Resources” In response to Invitation to submit views and other information on ‘Digital sequence information’ (NCP GB8-016 MYPoW/DSI) for the Governing Body of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (2019)
- Ruiz Muller, M., J.H. Vogel, K. Angerer. Presentation : “Modality 3: “Open Access – Multilateral” Building on the First Global Dialogue on DSI) A Policy Option, Variant II: “Bounded Openness over Natural Information” (November 2019)
- Scholz, A.H., U. Hillebrand, J. Freitag, I. Cancio, et al. Finding compromise on ABS & DSI in the CBD: Requirements & policy ideas from a scientific perspective (7 October 2020). The white paper is the integrated outcome of a scientist-focused stakeholder process initiated by several public research institutes in Germany. These institutes sought and received funding from the German Ministry for Research and Training (BMBF) for the WiLDSI research project.
- Sollberger, K. Digital Sequence Information and the Nagoya Protocol - Legal expert brief on behalf of the Swiss Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN) (7 April 2018)
Process and recent outcomes related to digital sequence information on genetic resources under the CBD
9:00am-11:00am EST (2:00pm-4:00pm UTC)
Hosted by the CBD Secretariat with the participation of the Co-Chairs of the Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group (AHTEG), this event will present key findings of the three peer reviewed studies carried out during the inter-sessional period and the outcomes of the AHTEG on DSI.
Hosted by: The Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity
- Welcome remarks and objectives of the webinar
- Brief overview of the origin of DSI and process under the CBD (See presentation)
- Key findings of peer reviewed studies
- DSI: Concept, scope and current use (See presentation)
- Combined study on digital sequence information in public and private databases and traceability (See presentation)
- Domestic measures on DSI (See presentation)
- Q&A
- Key Outcomes of the AHTEG -- Summary of key outcomes presented by AHTEG Co-Chairs (See presentation)
- Q&A
- Wrap-up, next steps and closure of webinar
Understanding digital sequence information on genetic resources: a technical overview of its production, distribution and use
7:00am-10:00am EST (12:00pm-3:00pm UTC)
Digital sequence information on genetic resources (DSI) found its way onto the international agenda of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and its Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit-Sharing in 2016. But what does DSI mean? How is it generated? Who is using DSI and for which purposes? How is DSI being dealt with in international fora?
Hosted by: The ABS Capacity Development Initiative