Capacity-Building and Development

Short-Term Action Plan for Capacity Building 2017-2020

The Conference of the Parties in decision XIII/23 recognized the need for an integrated and coherent approach to capacity-building and adopted a Short-Term Action Plan (2017-2020) to Enhance and Support Capacity-Building for the Implementation of the Convention and its Protocols.
Decision XIII/23 and decision 14/24 also requested the Executive Secretary to:

Implementation of the STAP

Progress reports on the implementation of the Short-Term Action Plan (2017-2020) were prepared and considered by the second meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Implementation (SBI 2) and by COP 14 in 2018.

In 2021 and 2022, during the online (16 May-13 June 2021) and resumed sessions (14-29 March 2022) of its third meeting, SBI 3 took note of the preliminary final report on the implementation of the Short-Term Action Plan (SBI/3/INF/14). This report was complemented with a list of capacity-building activities, including their outputs, sources of funding and relevant implementation partners.

A final report on the implementation of the STAP was submitted for consideration by COP 15.