Country Profiles

Singapore - Country Profile

The national targets (or equivalent) presented in this database are taken from the NBSAPs received since COP-10, fifth national reports or from documents submitted separately. The mapping of national targets to the Aichi Biodiversity Targets by the Party concerned is indicated in the last column “Related Aichi Target(s)”. All Parties are encouraged to undertake this mapping exercise and to submit this information to SCBD for incorporation in this database.

Reference Target Related Strategic Goals/Aichi Targets
By 2020, there will be a 30% increase in the number public and private organisations that participate in biodiversity conservation activities. 1
By 2020, Singapore will achieve a 5% increase in the total number of citizen scientists. 1
Apply science and ecological principles into land use planning. 2
Regarding Aichi Target 3, "No target will be tracked as this target is aimed at larger countries with substantive natural resources and have extractive industries or large scale agriculture."
Achieve overall national recycling rate of 65% in 2020. 4
By 2020, 7.5% of Singapore will remain as natural areas. 5
Regarding Aichi Target 6, "No target will be tracked as fisheries is not significant in Singapore’s context. Singapore shares its current practices for fisheries in Box A."
Regarding Aichi Target 7, "No target will be tracked as these sectors are not significant in Singapore. Singapore shares its current practices for agriculture and aquaculture in Box B. There is no forestry sector in Singapore."
By 2020, annual mean of PM2.5 to reduce to 12µg/m3. 8
By 2020, set ambient SO2 levels at annual mean of 15µg/m3. 8
By 2020, set ambient SO2 levels at 24-hour mean of 50µg/m3. 8
By 2020, a potentially invasive alien species list for Singapore will be compiled 9
Singapore will assess and enhance Singapore’s resilience to climate change through the development of climate change adaptation strategies across multiple government agencies. 10
By 2020, 7% of terrestrial and inland water, and 0.5% of coastal and marine areas will remain as natural areas. 11
By 2020, Singapore will develop a total of 360km of park connectors and 100km of Nature Ways to enhance ecological connectivity. 11
By 2020, Singapore will establish populations of 11 locally endangered species in a number of new habitats, as shown in the table below: TARGET SPECIES / TARGETED SITES FOR REINTRODUCTION (BY 2020) ▪ Johora singaporensis (Singapore freshwater crab) / 2 ▪ Nyctixalus pictus (Cinnamon bush frog) / 3 ▪ Cliona patera (Neptune’s cup sponge) / 3 ▪ Gardineroseris planulata (Honeycomb coral) / 3 ▪ Madracis kirbyi (Hard coral) / 3 ▪ Fagraea splendens (Epiphyte) / 5 ▪ Ficus stricta (Strangling Fig) / 5 ▪ Margaritaria indica (Tree) / 5 ▪ Ormocarpum cochinchinense (Tree) / 5 ▪ Scolopia macrophylla (Tree) / 5 ▪ Tetrastigma rafflesiae (Climber) / 5 12
Regarding Aichi Target 13, "Target is more relevant to Parties with significant agricultural sector."
Regarding Aichi Target 14, "More relevant to Parties where women, indigenous and local communities and the poor and vulnerable rely on ecosystem services for their daily needs."
Singapore will report on the accounting of carbon stock and carbon flux in vegetation and land use every 2 years. 15
By 2020, natural ecosystems will be enhanced or restored within 3 selected parks. 15
By 2020, the habitats of 3 coastal areas would be restored and enhanced, by incorporating design elements that are suitable for coastal substrates. 15
By 2020, 25,000 trees and shrubs will be planted across the nature parks and nature reserves as part of the Forest Restoration Action Plan 2019-2029. 15
By 2020, preliminary policy and guideline on Access and Benefit Sharing. 16
By 2019, Singapore has updated the National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (NBSAP, 2009) to include national targets to guide its efforts in biodiversity conservation in the country. 17
Regarding Aichi Target 18, "Singapore does not have indigenous and local communities."
By 2020, Singapore will put in place an updated national database system with biodiversity related information to be used to aid decision making within government and sharing of biodiversity information with the public. 19
Regarding Aichi Target 20, "No target will be tracked as generally Singapore is able to source its funding internally for biodiversity related projects."