Digital sequence information on genetic resources

Informal intersessional work on DSI in 2023/2024

The Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group on Benefit-sharing from the Use of Digital Sequence Information on Genetic Resources at its first meeting, which took place from 14 to 18 November 2023 in Geneva, agreed that further intersessional work will be carried out leading up to its second meetings. This work is led by the Co-Chairs of the Committee of the Whole established during the first meeting as summarized in its report

The informal intersessional work includes:

(a) Information-sharing activities, as needed and as appropriate;

(b) An informal advisory group;

(c) Online informal regional consultations facilitated by the Co-Chairs.


Informal Advisory Group (IAG) on Benefit-sharing from the Use of Digital Sequence Information on Genetic Resources

Pursuant to notification 2023-130, issued on 1 December 2023, Parties, other Governments, indigenous peoples and local communities, and relevant organizations and initiatives were invited to nominate representatives to serve the Informal Advisory Group (IAG) on Benefit-sharing from the Use of Digital Sequence Information on Genetic Resources. The composition of the IAG was announced in notification 2024-004, issued on 15 January 2024. An updated list of IAG members is available in the following document: IAG members 2024-01-19.pdf.

The IAG was created with a view to contribute to increasing the understanding of and move forward on some of the elements on which there is a need for further discussion, as contained in the annex to the report of the first meeting of the Working Group.

The IAG will meet online monthly, rotating times in order to accommodate the different time zones. A preparatory meeting took place on Tuesday, 16 January 2024 at 7:00 a.m. EST, and subsequent meetings are posted in the CBD calendar of meetings . Additionally, the presentations made by experts at the preparatory meeting will be posted on this webpage, pending the presenter’s approval.

The Co-Chairs will prepare a report on the outcomes of the intersessional work for the second meeting of the Working Group, scheduled in August 2024.

This page will be updated as information becomes available. (Last updated: 1 March 2024)

The table below provides an overview of all IAG meetings, including the topics discussed and pertinent documentation.


Time in UTC


Preparatory reading

Presentations delivered online during IAG meetings

January 16, Tuesday


Preparatory Meeting


16 Jan- Kickoff meeting.pdf

January 23, Tuesday


DSI databases, research methodologies and products

Report of the IAG from Nov 2021 (Section II.B.10, p. 14)

Report of the IAG from June 2022 (Section II.E, p. 7)

Report of the WGDSI-1 (Annex, section A, p. 8, and D, p. 11)

Masanori Arita (DDBJ) & Guy Cochrane (SMBL-EBI)_The International Nucleotide Sequence Database Collaboration the home of DSI.pdf

Douglas Miano (University of Nairobi, nominated by the government of Kenya)_Workflow in generation, analysis and utilization of DSI data in research.pdf

Data governance (including associated traditional knowledge)

Report of the IAG from Nov 2021 (Section II.B.2, p. 12, and Section II.B.3(b), p. 13)

Report of the IAG from Oct 2022  (Annex II, p. 31)

Document WGDSI/1/2 (Section D, p. 5)

Tim Hirsh (GBIF)_Data governance in an open access environment the GBIF experience.pdf

Preston Hardison (Tebtebba Foundation)_Open and Responsible DSI Data Governance, and Addressing IP&LC Concerns Not If But How.pdf and Preston.Hardison_Notes.pdf

Ann McCartney (Native BioData Consortium)_Prioritising Justice, Equity and Inclusion for Indigenous DSI Sharing.pdf

February 15, Thursday


Collaboration and cooperation with other approaches and systems – whom, what and how

15/9. Digital sequence information on genetic resources 

Co-Chairs’ report of the work of the IAG3 section II.A (p.3)

Overview document from WGDSI-1 section II.E

Kathryn Garforth (SCBD)_Other intergovernmental fora where negotiations related to benefit-sharing from the use of DSI are taking place.pdf

Amber Hartman Scholz (Leibniz-Inst_DSMZ) DSI_harmonization_Feb2024.pdf

Legal considerations, and incentives to participate

Synthesis of views pursuant to decision 15/9  section A and D.3

Kathryn Garforth (SCBD)_Legal Considerations.pdf 

Daphne Yong d'Herve (ICC)_Business engagement in the multilateral benefit-sharing mechanism.pdf

March 15, Friday


Non-monetary benefit-sharing

    Report of the WGDSI-1 (para. 32-36)

    Document WGDSI/1/2 (Section II.C Non-monetary benefit-sharing)

    Document CBD/WGDSI/1/2/Add.1 (Section II.C Non-monetary benefit-sharing 

    Document CBD/WGDSI/1/INF/1 (Section on the International Treaty for Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture’s Benefit-Sharing Fund ) 

Natalie Feltman (South Africa)_Benefit Sharing Examples in South Africa.pdf

Martha Cepeda (DSI Scientific Network)_Biodiversity Research Gives Back_Non-monetary Benefit Sharing in Colombia and Beyond.pdf

Modalities for disbursement of funds

Report of the WGDSI-1 (para. 23-26)

    Document WGDSI/1/2 (Section II.B Disbursement of the funds )

    Document CBD/WGDSI/1/2/Add.1  (Section II.B Disbursement of the funds)

    Document CBD/WGDSI/1/2/Add.2/Rev.1 (Section III.B Disbursement criteria, processes and costs, and impact of funds )

Charlotte Germain-Aubrey (SCBD) Disbursement of funds.pdf
April 16,     Tuesday1:00

Fund governance and governance of mechanism


Fund host

    Document CBD/WGDSI/1/3 Report of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group on Benefit-sharing from the Use of DSI on its first meeting – Annex paras 48, 49 

    Document CBD/WGDSI/1/3 Report of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group on Benefit-sharing from the Use of DSI on its first meeting – annex paras 13, 47, 51, 52 

Charlotte Germain-Aubrey (SCBD) Governance and Fund Host.pdf

Jennifer Corpuz Tauli (IIFB) DSI Fund Governance_Proposals to ensure Direct Access of IPs and LCs .pdf

Andrew Deutz (The Nature Conservancy) Design Options for a DSI Mechanism Fund.pdf

May 7, Tuesday11:00

How the mechanism will meet the requirements laid out in decision 15/9 paras 6-10

Compatibility with the CBD and the Nagoya Protocol

15/9. Digital sequence information on genetic resources, paragraphs 6-10

CBD/WGDSI/1/2/Add.1 Synthesis of views pursuant to decision 15/9 - Section II.E Relation to other approaches and systems.1-4 

Charlotte Germain-Aubrey (SCBD) Compatibility with CBD and Nagoya Protocol_Meet requirements in decision.pdf
June 12, Wednesday19:00Trigger points for contribution

CBD/WGDSI/1/2/Add.1 Synthesis of views pursuant to decision 15/9 - Section II.A Contribution to the fund Studies Commissioned Further to Decision 15/9 on 12 Digital Sequence Information on Genetic Resources – Link to peer review access to documents

Kirsty Bryant(SCBD)_Trigger points for benefit-sharing.pdf
June 19, Wednesday11:30Possible approaches and indicators for monitoring the sharing of benefits from the use of DSI through a multilateral mechanism

CBD/SBSTTA/26/L.10; Monitoring framework for the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework

CBD/SBSTTA/26/INF/14;  Guidance on using the indicators of the monitoring framework of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework

Study on Access and Benefit-sharing Indicators as they relate to Target 13 and Goal C of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework; particularly Chapter 6. Global reporting on benefit-sharing from new ABS instruments.

Webinar on the results of a study on indicators for ABS under Goal C and Target 13, “The results of the Access and Benefit-Sharing study and monitoring indicators C.1, C.2 and 13.b”:

Mphatso Kalemba_Jillian Campbell_Beatriz Gomez(SCBD)_Monitoring ABS presentation and discussion.pdf

Melania Munoz_ABS headline indicators for KMGBF.pdf


Photo attribution: IISD/ENB - Kiara Worth