Establishing and managing marine protected areas
Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (2004)
Technical Advice on the Establishment and management of a national system of marine and coastal protected areas. CBD Technical Series No. 13.
Callum M. Roberts and Julie P. Hawkins (2000)
Fully-protected marine reserves: a guide. WWF publication.
Rodney Salm, John Clark, and Erkki Siirila (2000)
Marine and Coastal Protected Areas: A guide for planners and managers, 3rd Edition. IUCN publication
Kelleher, G. (1999)
Guidelines for Marine Protected Areas. WCPA Best Practice Protected Area Guideline Series No. 3, IUCN publication
Monitoring marine protected areas
Clive Wilkinson, Alison Green, Jeanine Almany and Shannon Dionne (2003)
Monitoring Coral Reef Marine Protected Areas Version 1: A practical guide on how monitoring can support effective management of MPAs. Australian Institute of Marine Sciences
Evaluating MPA effectiveness
Robert S. Pomeroy, John E. Parks, Lani M. Watson (2004)
How is your MPA doing? A Guidebook of Natural and Social Indicators for Evaluating Marine Protected Area Management Effectiveness. IUCN publication.
Coral reefs and other tropical marine ecosystems
L. Bunce, P. Townsley, R. Pomeroy, R. Pollnac (2003)
Socioeconomic Manual for Coral Reef Management. Global Coral Reef Monitoring Network publication.
Frank Talbot and Clive Wilkinson (2001) Coral reefs, mangroves and seagrasses: a sourcebook for managers. ICRI, GCRMN and AIMS.
Michael Mascia (2001)
Designing Effective Coral Reef MPAs (Synthesizes the findings from MPA presentations given at the 9th International Coral Reef Symposium (Bali, Indonesia) and identifies select MPA policy and management implications).
S. Westmacott, K. Teleki, S. Wells and J.M. West (2000)
Management of Bleached and Severely Damaged Coral Reefs. IUCN publication.
Financial aspects of MPAs
Barry Spergel and Melissa Moye (2004)
Financing marine conservation – a menu of options. WWF Publication.
Legal aspects of MPAs
Lee A. Kimball (2001)
International Ocean Governance: Using International Law and Organizations to Manage Marine Resources Sustainably. IUCN publication.
Case studies and lessons learnt
PARKS Magazine,
Volume 8 No 2: Marine Protected Areas. (Contains case studies and lessons learnt).
Access to additional MPA-related publications
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