Protected Areas


The programme of work on protected areas contains specific time-bound targets primarily organized around national-level actions. The overall target date for implementation of the programme of work is 2010 for terrestrial and 2012 for marine areas. The Conference of the Parties adopted intermediate targets for many activities with time-bound deadlines of either 2008, 2010/2012 or 2015, in recognition of the fact that many of the goals and targets will require a phased, step-by-step approach. The targets are outlined below in chronological order.

The programme of work on protected areas is a framework within which Parties to the Convention may develop national and regional targets and activities, and implement them in the context of their national priorities, capacities and needs.

Targets of the programme of work on protected areas.
Goal No. Targets
  Targets for 2008
1.5 Effective mechanisms for identifying and preventing, and/or mitigating the negative impacts of key threats to protected areas are in place.
2.1 Mechanisms for the equitable sharing of both costs and benefits arising from the establishment and management of protected areas are established.
2.2 Participation of indigenous and local communities is full and effective, in full respect of their rights and recognition of their responsibilities, consistent with national law and applicable international obligations, and the participation of relevant stakeholders, in the management of existing, and the establishment and management of new, protected areas.
3.1 Policies as appropriate, including use of social and economic valuation and incentives, to provide a supportive enabling environment for more effective establishment and management of protected areas and protected areas systems are reviewed and revised as appropriate.
3.4 Sufficient financial, technical and other resources to meet the costs to effectively implement and manage national and regional systems of protected areas are secured, including both from national and international sources, particularly to support the needs of developing countries and countries with economies in transition and small island developing States.
3.5 Public awareness, understanding and appreciation of the importance and benefits of protected areas are significantly increased.
4.1 Standards, criteria, and best practices for planning, selecting, establishing, managing and governance of national and regional systems of protected areas are developed and adopted.
  Targets for 2010
1.1 Terrestrially, a global network of comprehensive, representative and effectively managed national and regional protected area system is established.”
1.3 Transboundary protected areas, other forms of collaboration between neighboring protected areas across national boundaries and regional networks, to enhance the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity, implementing the ecosystem approach, and improving international cooperation are established and strengthened.
3.2 Comprehensive capacity building programmes and initiatives are implemented to develop knowledge and skills at individual, community and institutional levels, and raise professional standards.
3.3 The development, validation, and transfer of appropriate technologies and innovative approaches for the effective management of protected areas is substantially improved, taking into account the decisions of the Conference of the Parties on technology transfer and cooperation.
4.2 Frameworks for monitoring, evaluating and reporting protected areas management effectiveness at sites, national and regional systems, and transboundary protected area levels are adopted and implemented by Parties.
4.3 National and regional systems are established to enable effective monitoring of protected area coverage, status and trends at national, regional and global scales, and to assist in evaluating progress in meeting global biodiversity targets.
  Targets for 2012
1.1 In the marine area, a global network of comprehensive, representative and effectively managed national and regional protected area system is established.
1.4 All protected areas have effective management in existence, using participatory and science-based site planning processes that incorporate clear biodiversity objectives, targets, management strategies and monitoring programmes, drawing upon existing methodologies and a long-term management plan with active stakeholder involvement.
  Targets to be completed by 2015
1.2 All protected areas and protected area systems are integrated into the wider land- and seascape, and relevant sectors, by applying the ecosystem approach and taking into account ecological connectivity and the concept, where appropriate, of ecological networks.