Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020, including Aichi Biodiversity Targets

Strategic Plan Indicator Factsheet

Operational Indicator Trends in genetic diversity of cultivated plants, and farmed and domesticated animals and their wild relatives
Communication Question State – How is the state of biodiversity changing?
Strategic Goal C
Headline Indicator Trends in genetic diversity of species
Indicator Sub-topics Trends in genetic diversity of species
Most Relevant Aichi Target 13
Other Relevant Aichi Targets 7, 12, 14, 16
Operational Classification Priority to be developed at global level and sub-global level
Status of development Partly available through FAO data and at national level through existing collections and reporting mechanisms. Molecular data still under development.
Sensitivity (can it be used to make assessment by 2015?) High
Scale (global, regional, national, sub-national) G, R, N
Scientific Validity Medium
How easy can it be communicated? High
Data Sources FAO DADIS database, CGIAR (national & regional e.g. USDA, EURISCO), GENESYS
Data Requirements Percentage of diversity within species conserved (number of breeds, unique accessions)
Who's responsible for measuring? Genebanks, other conservation institutions... National data and reports submitted to FAO etc, aggregated to global level