Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020, including Aichi Biodiversity Targets

Strategic Plan Indicator Factsheet

Operational Indicator Trends in degree to which traditional knowledge and practices are respected through: full integration, participation and safeguards in national implementation of the Strategic Plan
Communication Question Responses - What do we do about biodiversity loss?
Strategic Goal E
Headline Indicator Trends in accessibility of scientific/technical/traditional knowledge and its application
Indicator Sub-topics Trends in degree to which traditional knowledge and practices are fully respected in implementation of the Strategic Plan.
Most Relevant Aichi Target 18
Other Relevant Aichi Targets 13, 17
Operational Classification Priority to be developed at global level and sub-global level
Status of development New indicator. Need to develop the definitions. Identification of data source required (cross reference to June expert workshop). Guidance and/or template on reporting for consistency of reporting.
Scale (global, regional, national, sub-national) G
How easy can it be communicated? Low
Data Sources Multiple sources: including 5th and 6th national reports and ILCs
Data Requirements Integration, safeguarding (PIC, EIA, ABS, IP & documentation) & participation.
Who's responsible for measuring? Lead to be determined