Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020, including Aichi Biodiversity Targets

E-Forum on the Post 2010 Strategic Plan of the CBD: An Invitation to Contribute to the Updating and Revision of the Strategic Plan of the Convention

Question 9
How can the revised and updated Strategic Plan provide an effective framework for the establishment of national targets and promote effective national action, including through the national biodiversity strategies and action plans and other national and regional strategies, plans and programmes relevant to biodiversity?
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There should be recommendations to Parties to adopt this framewrok and to update NBSaAP's accordingly. Funds should be provided to developing countries for this exercise.
submitted by Marie-Jeanne PERROT-MINNOT
Revise it. here is my suggestion to begin a new framework.




Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity, together with the global community, commit themselves to strive for the effective and coherent implementation of the three objectives of the Convention, to halt the loss and erosion of biological diversity at the global, regional and national levels, as a contribution to poverty alleviation and to the benefit of all life on earth.


The Convention is fulfilling its leadership role in international biodiversity issues.

Parties have improved financial, human, scientific, technical, and technological capacity to implement the Convention.

National biodiversity strategies and action plans and the integration of biodiversity concerns into relevant sectors serve as an effective framework for the implementation of the objectives of the Convention.

There is a better understanding of the importance of biodiversity and of the Convention, and this has led to broader engagement across society in implementation.

The ecosystem system approach is increasingly being applied to integrate biodiversity, economic and social goals and objectives.


Goal 1: Conserve ecosystems, habitats and biomes

Goal 2: Conserve species diversity

Goal 3: Conserve genetic diversity

Goal 4: Use biological resources at sustainable rates

Goal 5: Reduce habitat loss, land use change and degradation, and unsustainable water use

Goal 6: Control threats from invasive alien species

Goal 7: Address threats from climate change and pollution

Goal 8: Maintain capacity of ecosystems to deliver goods and services and support livelihoods

Goal 9: Maintain socio-cultural diversity of indigenous and local communities

Goal 10: Ensure the fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising out of the use of genetic resources

Goal 11: Improve financial, human, scientific, technical and technological capacity to implement the Convention

Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity are committed to work both independently and in collaboration to:
Ensure that at least 10% of each of the world's ecological regions effectively conserved;

Protect areas of particular importance to biodiversity;

Restore, maintain, or reduce the decline of populations of species of selected taxonomic groups;

Ensure the status of threatened species is improved;

Ensure that the genetic diversity of crops, livestock, and of harvested species of trees, fish and wildlife and other valuable species are conserved, and associated indigenous and local knowledge is maintained;

Ensure biodiversity-based products are produced in a sustainable manner, and production areas are managed in a manner consistent with biodiversity conservation objectives;

Ensure unsustainable consumption of biological resources is prevented, and impacts on biodiversity from harvesting and consumption are reduced;

Ensure no species of wild flora or fauna endangered by international trade;

Reduce the rate of loss and degradation of natural habitats;

Ensure pathways for major potential alien invasive species controlled; and management plans for major alien species that threaten ecosystems, habitats or species are in place;

Maintain and enhance resilience of the components of biodiversity to adapt to climate change;

Reduce pollution and its impacts on biodiversity;

Maintain the capacity of ecosystems to deliver goods and services;

Maintain biological resources that support sustainable livelihoods, local food security and health care, especially of poor people;

Protect traditional knowledge, innovations and practices; and the rights of indigenous and local communities over their traditional knowledge, innovations and practices, including their rights to benefit sharing;

Ensure all transfers of genetic resources are in-line with the Convention on Biological Diversity, the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture and other applicable agreements;

Ensure benefits arising from the commercial and other utilization of genetic resources are equitably shared with the countries providing such resources;

Provide new and additional financial resources for developing country Parties, to allow for the effective implementation of their commitments under the Convention, in accordance with Article 20; and

Transfer technology to developing country Parties, to allow for the effective implementation of their commitments under the Convention, in accordance with its Article 20, paragraph 4.

submitted by Richard Laing
A framework for Evaluation of Progress for the post-2010 Strategic Plan should include a set of measurable sub-targets i.e. for which indicators already exist for measuring progress and for which a baseline can be defined. For each sub-target a set of timebound measures of progress should be established on an annual or bi-annual basis from 2010 to 2020. Furthermore, the sub-targets and measures should be framed within a state pressure response framework linked to national biodiversity strategies and reporting.

This submission reflects the shared views of BirdLife International, Conservation International, IUCN – World Commission on Protected Areas, IUCN Countdown 2010, The Nature Conservancy, World Wildlife Fund for Nature, and the Wildlife Conservation Society.
submitted by Anonymous
The Strategic Plan needs to provide broad qualitative targets that challenge national and sub-national institutions to develop realistic targets relevant to the scale and specific context. The framework needs to be positive, inspiring and create an enabling framework that encourages collaboration and action.
submitted by Jennifer Norris
National biodiversity conservation plans should include a specific target to prevent any additional species extinctions, and the identification and protection of sites occupied by Endangered or Critically Endangered species that occur only at one location should be a requisite goal for such plans.
submitted by Mike Parr
Once the revised SP has been adopted, Parties should review and revise NBSAPs and other local, national and regional strategies with full and effective particiaption of all relevant stakeholders, especially indigenous and local communities whose livelihoods directly depend on biodiversity (this would help in addressing a more coherent implementation of the second part of the Target 2010).
submitted by Maurizio Ferrari
One of the big problems in developing countries is that they do not themselves have the information, skills or resources to implement the Convention, but that is where action is most needed. The organisations and institutions best able to supply this information and skills are often in developed countries where this action is less needed. A more effective mechanism to promote capacity-building in developing countries concomitant with knowledge and skills-transfer from developed countries must be developed, otherwise developing countries will again feel they are just being told what to do by the more developed world.
submitted by Theresa Natri
La partie du plan stratégique qui s’adresse aux Etats doit tout d’abord être claire sur les catégories d’objectifs qui doivent être pris en compte.
Il doit comporter une recommandation forte aux Parties d’établir des objectifs nationaux et la promotion de gestes nationaux efficaces.
Il doit comprendre des recommandations méthodologiques pour fixer non seulement les objectifs mais également des priorités
Il doit être organisé des ateliers régionaux de formation pour les responsables de la mise en œuvre et des boites à outils doivent être disponibles.

submitted by Jean-Patrick LE DUC
Indicators, monitoring and evaluation, IPBES, TEEB, peer review, involvement of stakeholders
submitted by Anonymous