Welcome to COP 9

COP 9 - Information for Participants

Full version (This revision is issued to to reflect the name and coordinates of the newly designated focal person for NGOs.)

8. Documents

In order to minimize the negative environmental impact of the meeting, the number of copies in respect to in-session documents will be limited to the strict minimum. With regard to pre-session documentation, delegates are urged to bring their own copies for the meeting, including the information documents. Only one set of documents will be provided per country delegation.

CD-ROMs containing the pre-session documents, in the six United Nations official languages, as well as the information documents, will also be made available to delegates and participating organizations who wish to reproduce on site, at their own expense, additional copies of the documents. The CD ROMs will be available at the Documentation Counter.

Pre-session and information documents are available on the Secretariat’s web site at: http://www.cbd.int/cop9/doc.

In order to assist the interpreters in the discharge of their duties, delegations wishing to make a formal statement on any issue relevant to the agenda items of the meeting should provide, in advance, a copy of their statement to the Secretary of the meeting, Ms. Dominique Kayser, at the coordinates listed under item 2 above.