Country Profiles

Republic of Moldova - Country Profile

The national targets (or equivalent) presented in this database are taken from the NBSAPs received since COP-10, fifth national reports or from documents submitted separately. The mapping of national targets to the Aichi Biodiversity Targets by the Party concerned is indicated in the last column “Related Aichi Target(s)”. All Parties are encouraged to undertake this mapping exercise and to submit this information to SCBD for incorporation in this database.

Reference Target Related Strategic Goals/Aichi Targets
Specific objective A Ensure sustainable management and efficient institutional framework for biodiversity conservation until 2020 through:
A1 Developing the normative framework on biodiversity conservation;
A2 Ensuring an efficient institutional framework for the sustainable management of biodiversity;
A3 Ensuring the integration of international treaty requirements into national biodiversity policies.
Specific objective B By 2020, reduce the pressure on biodiversity to ensure sustainable development through:
B1 Ensuring the extension of state protected natural areas to up to 8% of the surface area of the country, establishing a national ecological network and develop 44 management plans for protected natural areas;
B2 Ensuring the conservation of rare, vulnerable and endangered species by restoring the habitats of 5 endangered plant and 5 endangered animal species;
B3 Implementing biological security measures by developing 2 risk assessment procedures for the introduction of genetically modified organisms in the environment and the establishment of an advisory center.
Specific objective C By 2020, implement measures to stop threats to biodiversity through:
C1 Implementing measures to stop soil degradation and diminish the effects of climate change by planting 500 ha of degraded areas and improving ecosystems for 4 local species;
C2 Implementing measures to minimize degradation of water resources and aquatic biodiversity as well as identifying protection measures for them through the development and approval of 2 management plans for aquatic basins districts;
C3 Implementing measures to diminish the negative impact of invasive species by developing a study, a program and practice guidelines for fighting invasive species;
C4 Implementing measures to minimize the anthropogenic pressing on vulnerable natural ecosystems by forestry development on 5000 ha of public land.
Specific objective D By 2020, implement measures to increase the benefits of using natural resources and ecosystem services through:
D1 Promoting access to genetic resources and equitable sharing of benefits arising from them by developing a study, promoting 5 genotypes of valuable plants for industrial plantation and developing 2 projects for local communities;
D2 Ensuring the sustainable development of natural ecosystems which provide services through the development of a study and a methodology and 2 pilot projects for provision of promoted ecosystem services.
Specific objective E By 2020, provide scientific support for biodiversity conservation, access to information and promote education for sustainable development through:
E1 Promoting scientific research on biodiversity conservation by emphasizing bio-geographic regions, establishing botanical gardens, promoting new technologies and studies on species and ecosystems;
E2 Ensuring the educational framework and training of staff on biodiversity conservation and biological security by developing a special curriculum, courses and modules, publishing 3 good practice guidelines;
E3 Raising awareness and informing the general public on biodiversity conservation and biological security by organizing annual events on biodiversity, 5 contests, 10 seminars and 8 round tables.