Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
Green Investment Banks: Innovative Public Financial Institutions, Scaling up Private, Low-carbon Investment, OECD Environment Policy Paper No. 6, January 2017. Operational green investment banks (GIBs) and GIB-like entities: California CLEEN Center California, United States 2014; Clean Energy Finance Corporation (CEFC) Australia 2012; Connecticut Green Bank Connecticut, United States 2011; Green Energy Market Securitization (GEMS) (Hawaii Green Infrastructure Authority) Hawaii, United States 2014; Green Fund Japan 2013; Malaysian Green Technology Corporation (GreenTech Malaysia), Malaysia 2010; Masdar United Arab Emirates 2006; New Jersey Energy Resilience Bank (ERB) New Jersey, United States 2014; NY Green Bank New York, United States 2014; Rhode Island Infrastructure Bank (RIIB) Rhode Island, United States 2015; Technology Fund Switzerland 2014; UK Green Investment Bank United Kingdom 2012
Green Investment Banks: Scaling up Private Investment in Low-carbon, Climate-resilient Infrastructure, Published on May 31, 2016. This report provides the first comprehensive study of publicly capitalised green investment banks (GIBs), analysing the rationales, mandates and financing activities of this relatively new category of public financial institution. Based on the experience of over a dozen GIBs and GIB-like entities, the report provides a non-prescriptive stock-taking of the diverse ways in which these public institutions are catalysing private investment in low-carbon, climate-resilient infrastructure and other green sectors, with a spotlight on energy efficiency projects. The report also provides practical information to policy makers on how green investment banks are being set up, capitalised and staffed.
Lessons from Established and emerging Green Investment Bank Models, OECD Green Investment Financing Forum Background Note, May 2014. What are Green Investment Banks (GIBs) and how can they facilitate a shift to a low-carbon economy?; Rationales, Philosophies, Business Models and Roles of GIBs; Target Sectors; Administrative configurations, leadership and reporting; Capitalisation and Funding; Instruments, Vehicles, Techniques, Tools and Interventions; Green Investment Banks and Institutional Investors; Domestic Policy Context and Green Investment Banks.