Financial Mechanism and Resources Financial Mechanism and Resources Global Biodiversity Framework Fund Green Climate FundTransparency and accountabilityEffectiveness ActionFunding needs assessmentPolicy, strategy, programme prioritiesNational planningProgrammatic synergiesResource mobilizationT1: Spatial PlanningT2: RestorationT3: ConservationT4: Threatened SpeciesT5: Sustainable Use, Harvesting and TradeT6: Invasive Alien SpeciesT7: Pollution ReductionT8: Climate ChangeT9: Provisioning ServicesT10: Production ServicesT11: Regulating ServicesT12: Urban and Densely Populated AreasT13: Benefit Sharing and AccessT14: ValuationT15: Business and Financial InstitutionsT16: Sustainable ConsumptionT17: BiosafetyT18: IncentivesT19: Financial resourcesT20: Technical cooperationT21: Information and knowledgeT22: ParticipationT23: Gender Equality Financial Mechanism and Resources // GEF-financed projects related to participation Sunday // 9.17.2023 GEF-financed projects related to participation GEF-8 projects 2023 GEF-8 Amazon Sustainable Landscapes Program Phase 3 (Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Suriname, Venezuela) (GEFID: 11198) Agency: WWF-US, CI, World Bank, FAO, UNDP. GEF Project Financing: $88,644,185. Co-financing: $557,827,180: 393,517 people benefitting from GEF finance investments benefitted (198,963 women and 194,554 men)2023 GEF-8 Blue and Green Island Integrated Programme (NbS to the food, tourism, and urban sectors) (Belize, Cabo Verde, Comoros, Cuba, Maldives, Mauritius, Micronesia, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Seychelles, St. Lucia, Timor Leste, Trinidad and Tobago, Vanuatu)(GEFID: 11250). Agency: FAO, WWF-US, IUCN, UNDP, World Bank, UNEP. GEF Project Financing: $121,183,945; Co-financing: $733,790,102: 734,422 people benefitting from GEF finance investments benefitted (351,024 women and 383,398)2023 GEF-8 Circular Solutions to Plastic Pollution (food and beverage sector) (Brazil, Burkina Faso, Cambodia, Cook Islands, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, India, Jordan, Lao PDR, Morocco, Nigeria, Peru, Philippines, Senegal, South Africa) (GEFID: 11181) Agency: WWF-US, UNIDO, UNEP, UNDP. GEF Project Financing: $96,280,581. Co-financing: $595,778,545: 41,960 people benefitting from GEF finance investments benefitted (21,400 women and 20,560 men)2023 GEF-8 Congo Critical Forest Biome Integrated Program (Angola, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Congo DR, Equatorial Guinea, Sao Tome and Principe) (GEFID: 11241) Agency: IFAD, CI, IUCN, UNEP. GEF Project Financing: $56,259,439. Co-financing: $428,640,177: 207,000 people benefitting from GEF finance investments benefitted (106,000 women and 101,000 men)2023 GEF-8 Ecosystem Restoration (Angola, Brazil, Cambodia, Chad, Congo DR, Cote d'Ivoire, Haiti, Madagascar, Mali, Mauritania, Mexico, Mozambique, Nepal, Peru, Rwanda, Sao Tome and Principe, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Uzbekistan, Viet Nam). (GEFID: 11118) Agency: UNDP, CI, IFAD, UNEP, World Bank, FAO, IUCN. GEF Project Financing: $183,859,244. Co-financing: $1,627,501,995; 1,824,397.00 people benefitting from GEF finance investments benefitted (896,788 women and 927,609 men)2023 GEF-8 Eliminating hazardous chemicals from supply chains (fashion and construction supply chains) (Cambodia, Cambodia, Costa Rica, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Ecuador, India, India, Mongolia, Mongolia, Pakistan, Pakistan, Peru, Peru, Trinidad and Tobago, Trinidad and Tobago) (GEFID: 11169). Agency: FAO, UNEP, UNDP, UNIDO. GEF Project Financing: $45,674,998. Co-financing: $295,245,000: 1,528,866 people benefitting from GEF finance investments benefitted (859,380 women and 699,486 men)2023 GEF-8 Guinean Forests Integrated Program (Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone). (GEFID: 11142)Agency: FAO, CI, IUCN. GEF Project Financing: $20,077,828. Co-financing: $59,664,406: 85,667 people benefitting from GEF finance investments benefitted (42,290 women and 43,377)2023 GEF-8 Indo-Malaya Critical Forest Biome Integrated Program (Lao PDR, Papua New Guinea, Thailand) (GEFID: 11102). Agency: FAO, IUCN, UNDP. GEF Project Financing: $38,216,208. Co-financing: $185,597,817: 13,400 people benefitting from GEF finance investments benefitted (7,200 women and 6,200 men)2023 GEF-8 Mesoamerica Critical Forest Biome Integrated Program (El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama) (GEFID: 11273). Agency: FAO, IUCN; GEF Project Financing: $58,147,493; Co-financing: $438,166,265: 182,350 people benefitting from GEF finance investments benefitted (82,210 women and 100,230 men)2023 GEF-8 Net-Zero Nature-Positive Accelerator Integrated Programme (Chile, Costa Rica, Cote d'Ivoire, Indonesia, Mauritius, Mexico, Morocco, Nigeria, Tanzania, Thailand, Trinidad and Tobago, Viet Nam) (GEFID: 11085). Agency: UNIDO, ADB, UNDP, UNEP, CAF, FAO. GEF Project Financing: $98,678,187. Co-financing: $695,182,970: 1,917,354 people benefitting from GEF finance investments benefitted (952,154 women and 965,200 men)2023 Brazil. Empowering Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities (IPLCs) to manage biodiversity data and information as a strategy to conserve their territories, safeguard traditional knowledge, and promote integrated biodiversity management (GEF ID: 11269). Agency: UNEP; GEF Project Financing: $6,192,695; Co-financing: $49,450,000.2023 Global. Eighth Operational Phase of the GEF Small Grants Programme (GEFID: 11285). Agency: UNDP; GEF project financing $126,186,603: Co-financing: $126,187,000. Indigenous Peoples 1999 Participatory Conservation and Sustainable Development with Indigenous Communities in Vilcabamba Peru The World Bank $727,0752000 Indigenous and Community Biodiversity Conservation (COINBIO) Mexico The World Bank $7,500,0002000 Persistent Toxic Substances, Food Security, and Indigenous Peoples of the Russian North Russian Federation United Nations Environment Programme $725,0002001 Indigenous Management of Protected Areas in the Amazon Peru The World Bank $10,000,0002002 Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biodiversity in the Amarakaeri Communal Reserve and Adjoining Indigenous Lands Peru United Nations Development Programme $964,0102003 Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biodiversity in the Peruvian Amazon by the Indigenous Ashaninka Population Peru United Nations Development Programme $975,0002004 Integrated Ecosystem Management in Indigenous Communities Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Regional The World Bank, Inter-American Development Bank $9,000,0002005 DHEKUANA NONOODO: Sustainable Use and Conservation of Biodiversity Resources of Dhekuana Indigenous Lands Venezuela The World Bank $750,0002005 Indigenous Peoples' Network for Change Global United Nations Environment Programme $913,8442007 Assessment and Recommendations on Improving Access of Indigenous Peoples to Conservation Funding Global The World Bank $250,0002009 Conservation of Biodiversity in the Indigenous Productive Landscapes of the Moskitia Honduras United Nations Development Programme $2,018,3002009 SFM Catalyzing the Contribution of Indigenous Lands to the Conservation of Brazil's Forest Ecosystems Brazil United Nations Development Programme $6,000,0002010 Development of a National Clearing House Mechanism and Capacity Assessment for Taxonomy and Indigenous Knowledge(Add-on) (New title as of March 19, 2009) Uganda United Nations Environment Programme $300,0002015 Strengthening National Systems to Improve Governance and Management of Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities Conserved Areas and Territories Philippines United Nations Development Programme $1,751,4842016 Sustainable Management of Forest Ecosystems in Amazonia by Indigenous and Local Communities to Generate Multiple Environmental and Social Benefits Bolivia United Nations Development Programme $6,208,8482021 Strengthening the integral and sustainable management of biodiversity and forests by indigenous peoples and local communities in fragile ecosystems of the dry forests of the Bolivia Chaco Bolivia Food and Agriculture Organization $3,502,968 Local communities 1991 Photovoltaics for Household and Community Use Zimbabwe United Nations Development Programme $7,000,0001994 Community Based Rangeland Rehabilitation for Carbon Sequestration Sudan United Nations Development Programme $1,500,0002001 Carbon Sequestration in the Desertified Rangelands of Hossien Abad, South Khorasan, through Community-based Management Iran United Nations Development Programme $726,2002002 Community Management of the Bio-Itza Reserve Project Guatemala The World Bank $725,0002003 Community-based Integrated Ecosytem Management Program under the Community Action Program Niger The World Bank $4,000,0002003 Community-based Integrated Natural Resources Management Project in Okyeman Ghana The World Bank $848,0002005 Community-Based Ecosystem Management Project Chad The World Bank $6,000,0002006 Community-based Land Management Guinea The World Bank $7,000,0002009 SIP: Stimulating Community Initiatives in Sustainable Land Management (SCI-SLM) Ghana, Morocco, South Africa, Uganda, Regional United Nations Environment Programme $912,3912011 SFM Biodiversity Conservation through Sustainable Forest Management by Local Communities Bolivia United Nations Development Programme $5,500,0002011 CBSP Strengthened Management of the National Protected Areas System Through Involvement of Local Communities Central African Republic United Nations Development Programme $1,768,1822013 GGW: Third Phase of the Community Action Program Niger The World Bank $4,518,5182014 Supporting Civil Society and Community Initiatives to Generate Global Environmental Benefits using Grants and Micro Loans in the Mediterranean Ecoregion of Chile Chile United Nations Development Programme $3,311,6142016 Building Shoreline Resilience of Timor Leste to Protect Local Communities and their Livelihoods Timor Leste United Nations Development Programme $7,000,0002019 Reducing the Climate Change Vulnerability of Local Communities in Uganda through EbA in Forest and Wetland Ecosystems Uganda United Nations Environment Programme $4,350,0002020 Promoting the Effective Management of Salonga National Park through Creation of Community Forests and Improving the Well-being of Local Communities Congo DR United Nations Environment Programme $5,694,7492020 Building the Resilience of Local Communities in Zambia through the Introduction of Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) into Priority Ecosystems, including Wetlands and Forests Zambia United Nations Environment Programme $6,185,0002020 Community-based Climate Risks Management in Chad Chad United Nations Development Programme $5,250,0002020 Community-based Integrated Natural Resource Management Project Fiji Food and Agriculture Organization $2,119,4252021 Reducing Community Carbon Footprint by a Circular Economy Approach in the Republic of Serbia Serbia United Nations Development Programme $1,777,0002021 Collaborative platform for African nature-based tourism enterprises, conservation areas and local communities' a response to COVID-19 Regional World Wildlife Fund - US Chapter $1,903,0002022 Community-based Management of Tanguar Haor Wetland in Bangladesh Bangladesh United Nations Development Programme $4,050,9132022 Integrated Community-based Management of High Value Mountain Ecosystems in Southern Kyrgyzstan for Multiple Benefits Kyrgyz Republic United Nations Development Programme $2,639,7262022 Integrated Economic Development and Community Resilience (IEDCR) Solomon Islands The World Bank $4,566,211 Multistakeholders, civil society 1998 African NGO-Government Partnership for Sustainable Biodiversity Action Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Tanzania, Tunisia, Uganda, Regional United Nations Development Programme $4,330,0001998 Global Biodiversity Forum Phase II Global United Nations Environment Programme $745,0002002 Global Environmental Citizenship (GEC) Argentina, Chile, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, Mexico, Peru, Regional United Nations Development Programme, United Nations Environment Programme $2,977,0001999 Harnessing Multi-Stakeholder Mechanisms to Promote Global Environmental Priorities Burkina Faso, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Mexico, Philippines, Uganda, Global United Nations Development Programme $725,0001999 Effective Protection with Community Participation of the New Protected Area of San Lorenzo Panama The World Bank $725,0002002 Global Biodiversity Forum (GBF): Multistakeholder Support for the Implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity - Phase III Global United Nations Environment Programme $996,5002008 Environmental Learning and Stakeholder Involvement as Tools for Global Environmental Benefits and Poverty Reduction Tajikistan United Nations Development Programme $470,0002015 Sustainable Management Models for Local Government Organisations to Enhance Biodiversity Protection and Utilization in Selected Eco-regions of Thailand Thailand United Nations Development Programme $1,758,9042015 Generate Global Evironmental Benefits through Environmental Education and Raising Awareness of Stakeholders Armenia United Nations Development Programme $750,0002017 Enhancing National Capacities for Improved Public Participation for Implementing Rio Conventions Egypt United Nations Development Programme $991,000GEF - 7 Strengthening Civil Society Role in Achieving Land Degradation Neutrality Global International Union for Conservation of Nature $2,000,000 Coordination and partnership 2001 Development and Integration of the Environmental Component in the Partnership for Africa Renewal Programme Regional United Nations Environment Programme $300,0002008 Establishing an Effective and Sustainable Structure for Implementing Multilateral Environmental Agreements Ghana United Nations Development Programme $475,0002008 Mainstreaming Global Environment in National Plans and Policies by Strengthening the Monitoring and Reporting System for Multilateral Environmental Agreements Egypt United Nations Development Programme $475,0002008 International Commission on Land Use Change and Ecosystems Global United Nations Environment Programme $1,000,0002008 Adoption of Ecosystem Approach for Integrated Implementation of MEAs at National and Divisional Level Gambia United Nations Environment Programme $493,0002009 SLEM/CPP: Institutional Coordination, Policy Outreach and M & E Project under Sustainable Land and Ecosystem Management Partnership Program India The World Bank $981,4112009 Strengthening Coordination for Effective Environmental Management (STREEM) Philippines United Nations Development Programme $475,0002009 Piloting Integrated Processes and Approaches to Facilitate National Reporting to Rio Conventions Afghanistan, Eritrea, Lao PDR, Liberia, Mauritius, Palau, Global United Nations Environment Programme $840,0002014 Strengthening Capacities to Measure, Report and Verify Indicators of Global Environment Benefits Papua New Guinea United Nations Development Programme $500,0002016 Improved Convention Coordination for Sustainable Growth in Uruguay (ECCOSUR) Uruguay United Nations Development Programme $1,862,4002018 Global Learning, Finance, and Partnerships Project under TRI Global International Union for Conservation of Nature, Food and Agriculture Organization, United Nations Environment Programme $3,519,7252021 Global coordination project for the SFM Drylands Impact Program Global Food and Agriculture Organization $8,056,8812021 GEF-7 GWP Global Coordination Project Global The World Bank $9,174,313 Governance and legislators 2002 Involving National Legislators in International Environmental Decision-making through Participation in the Preparations for the World Summit on Sustainable Development Proceedings and the Second GEF Assembly Global United Nations Environment Programme $250,0002008 Enhancing Global Environmental Management in Bhutan's Local Governance System Bhutan United Nations Development Programme $475,0002009 SIP: Stabilizing Rural Populations through Improved Systems for SLM and Local Governance of Lands in Southern Madagascar Madagascar United Nations Development Programme $907,7502010 SPWA-BD: The Gambia Biodiversity Management and Institutional Strengthening Project Gambia The World Bank $945,0002013 Strengthening National and Decentralized Management for Global Environmental Benefits Togo United Nations Development Programme $770,0002015 Generating Global Environmental Benefits from Improved Decision Making Systems and Local Planning in Pakistan Pakistan United Nations Development Programme $995,5002006 Decentralized GEF Medium-sized Grants Programme Argentina The World Bank $2,500,0002019 GLOBE Legislators Advancing REDD+ and Natural Capital Governance Towards the Delivery of the 2030 Agenda Congo DR, Nigeria, Senegal, Regional United Nations Environment Programme $1,045,897
Financial Mechanism and Resources // GEF-financed projects related to participation Sunday // 9.17.2023 GEF-financed projects related to participation GEF-8 projects 2023 GEF-8 Amazon Sustainable Landscapes Program Phase 3 (Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Suriname, Venezuela) (GEFID: 11198) Agency: WWF-US, CI, World Bank, FAO, UNDP. GEF Project Financing: $88,644,185. Co-financing: $557,827,180: 393,517 people benefitting from GEF finance investments benefitted (198,963 women and 194,554 men)2023 GEF-8 Blue and Green Island Integrated Programme (NbS to the food, tourism, and urban sectors) (Belize, Cabo Verde, Comoros, Cuba, Maldives, Mauritius, Micronesia, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Seychelles, St. Lucia, Timor Leste, Trinidad and Tobago, Vanuatu)(GEFID: 11250). Agency: FAO, WWF-US, IUCN, UNDP, World Bank, UNEP. GEF Project Financing: $121,183,945; Co-financing: $733,790,102: 734,422 people benefitting from GEF finance investments benefitted (351,024 women and 383,398)2023 GEF-8 Circular Solutions to Plastic Pollution (food and beverage sector) (Brazil, Burkina Faso, Cambodia, Cook Islands, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, India, Jordan, Lao PDR, Morocco, Nigeria, Peru, Philippines, Senegal, South Africa) (GEFID: 11181) Agency: WWF-US, UNIDO, UNEP, UNDP. GEF Project Financing: $96,280,581. Co-financing: $595,778,545: 41,960 people benefitting from GEF finance investments benefitted (21,400 women and 20,560 men)2023 GEF-8 Congo Critical Forest Biome Integrated Program (Angola, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Congo DR, Equatorial Guinea, Sao Tome and Principe) (GEFID: 11241) Agency: IFAD, CI, IUCN, UNEP. GEF Project Financing: $56,259,439. Co-financing: $428,640,177: 207,000 people benefitting from GEF finance investments benefitted (106,000 women and 101,000 men)2023 GEF-8 Ecosystem Restoration (Angola, Brazil, Cambodia, Chad, Congo DR, Cote d'Ivoire, Haiti, Madagascar, Mali, Mauritania, Mexico, Mozambique, Nepal, Peru, Rwanda, Sao Tome and Principe, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Uzbekistan, Viet Nam). (GEFID: 11118) Agency: UNDP, CI, IFAD, UNEP, World Bank, FAO, IUCN. GEF Project Financing: $183,859,244. Co-financing: $1,627,501,995; 1,824,397.00 people benefitting from GEF finance investments benefitted (896,788 women and 927,609 men)2023 GEF-8 Eliminating hazardous chemicals from supply chains (fashion and construction supply chains) (Cambodia, Cambodia, Costa Rica, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Ecuador, India, India, Mongolia, Mongolia, Pakistan, Pakistan, Peru, Peru, Trinidad and Tobago, Trinidad and Tobago) (GEFID: 11169). Agency: FAO, UNEP, UNDP, UNIDO. GEF Project Financing: $45,674,998. Co-financing: $295,245,000: 1,528,866 people benefitting from GEF finance investments benefitted (859,380 women and 699,486 men)2023 GEF-8 Guinean Forests Integrated Program (Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone). (GEFID: 11142)Agency: FAO, CI, IUCN. GEF Project Financing: $20,077,828. Co-financing: $59,664,406: 85,667 people benefitting from GEF finance investments benefitted (42,290 women and 43,377)2023 GEF-8 Indo-Malaya Critical Forest Biome Integrated Program (Lao PDR, Papua New Guinea, Thailand) (GEFID: 11102). Agency: FAO, IUCN, UNDP. GEF Project Financing: $38,216,208. Co-financing: $185,597,817: 13,400 people benefitting from GEF finance investments benefitted (7,200 women and 6,200 men)2023 GEF-8 Mesoamerica Critical Forest Biome Integrated Program (El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama) (GEFID: 11273). Agency: FAO, IUCN; GEF Project Financing: $58,147,493; Co-financing: $438,166,265: 182,350 people benefitting from GEF finance investments benefitted (82,210 women and 100,230 men)2023 GEF-8 Net-Zero Nature-Positive Accelerator Integrated Programme (Chile, Costa Rica, Cote d'Ivoire, Indonesia, Mauritius, Mexico, Morocco, Nigeria, Tanzania, Thailand, Trinidad and Tobago, Viet Nam) (GEFID: 11085). Agency: UNIDO, ADB, UNDP, UNEP, CAF, FAO. GEF Project Financing: $98,678,187. Co-financing: $695,182,970: 1,917,354 people benefitting from GEF finance investments benefitted (952,154 women and 965,200 men)2023 Brazil. Empowering Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities (IPLCs) to manage biodiversity data and information as a strategy to conserve their territories, safeguard traditional knowledge, and promote integrated biodiversity management (GEF ID: 11269). Agency: UNEP; GEF Project Financing: $6,192,695; Co-financing: $49,450,000.2023 Global. Eighth Operational Phase of the GEF Small Grants Programme (GEFID: 11285). Agency: UNDP; GEF project financing $126,186,603: Co-financing: $126,187,000. Indigenous Peoples 1999 Participatory Conservation and Sustainable Development with Indigenous Communities in Vilcabamba Peru The World Bank $727,0752000 Indigenous and Community Biodiversity Conservation (COINBIO) Mexico The World Bank $7,500,0002000 Persistent Toxic Substances, Food Security, and Indigenous Peoples of the Russian North Russian Federation United Nations Environment Programme $725,0002001 Indigenous Management of Protected Areas in the Amazon Peru The World Bank $10,000,0002002 Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biodiversity in the Amarakaeri Communal Reserve and Adjoining Indigenous Lands Peru United Nations Development Programme $964,0102003 Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biodiversity in the Peruvian Amazon by the Indigenous Ashaninka Population Peru United Nations Development Programme $975,0002004 Integrated Ecosystem Management in Indigenous Communities Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Regional The World Bank, Inter-American Development Bank $9,000,0002005 DHEKUANA NONOODO: Sustainable Use and Conservation of Biodiversity Resources of Dhekuana Indigenous Lands Venezuela The World Bank $750,0002005 Indigenous Peoples' Network for Change Global United Nations Environment Programme $913,8442007 Assessment and Recommendations on Improving Access of Indigenous Peoples to Conservation Funding Global The World Bank $250,0002009 Conservation of Biodiversity in the Indigenous Productive Landscapes of the Moskitia Honduras United Nations Development Programme $2,018,3002009 SFM Catalyzing the Contribution of Indigenous Lands to the Conservation of Brazil's Forest Ecosystems Brazil United Nations Development Programme $6,000,0002010 Development of a National Clearing House Mechanism and Capacity Assessment for Taxonomy and Indigenous Knowledge(Add-on) (New title as of March 19, 2009) Uganda United Nations Environment Programme $300,0002015 Strengthening National Systems to Improve Governance and Management of Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities Conserved Areas and Territories Philippines United Nations Development Programme $1,751,4842016 Sustainable Management of Forest Ecosystems in Amazonia by Indigenous and Local Communities to Generate Multiple Environmental and Social Benefits Bolivia United Nations Development Programme $6,208,8482021 Strengthening the integral and sustainable management of biodiversity and forests by indigenous peoples and local communities in fragile ecosystems of the dry forests of the Bolivia Chaco Bolivia Food and Agriculture Organization $3,502,968 Local communities 1991 Photovoltaics for Household and Community Use Zimbabwe United Nations Development Programme $7,000,0001994 Community Based Rangeland Rehabilitation for Carbon Sequestration Sudan United Nations Development Programme $1,500,0002001 Carbon Sequestration in the Desertified Rangelands of Hossien Abad, South Khorasan, through Community-based Management Iran United Nations Development Programme $726,2002002 Community Management of the Bio-Itza Reserve Project Guatemala The World Bank $725,0002003 Community-based Integrated Ecosytem Management Program under the Community Action Program Niger The World Bank $4,000,0002003 Community-based Integrated Natural Resources Management Project in Okyeman Ghana The World Bank $848,0002005 Community-Based Ecosystem Management Project Chad The World Bank $6,000,0002006 Community-based Land Management Guinea The World Bank $7,000,0002009 SIP: Stimulating Community Initiatives in Sustainable Land Management (SCI-SLM) Ghana, Morocco, South Africa, Uganda, Regional United Nations Environment Programme $912,3912011 SFM Biodiversity Conservation through Sustainable Forest Management by Local Communities Bolivia United Nations Development Programme $5,500,0002011 CBSP Strengthened Management of the National Protected Areas System Through Involvement of Local Communities Central African Republic United Nations Development Programme $1,768,1822013 GGW: Third Phase of the Community Action Program Niger The World Bank $4,518,5182014 Supporting Civil Society and Community Initiatives to Generate Global Environmental Benefits using Grants and Micro Loans in the Mediterranean Ecoregion of Chile Chile United Nations Development Programme $3,311,6142016 Building Shoreline Resilience of Timor Leste to Protect Local Communities and their Livelihoods Timor Leste United Nations Development Programme $7,000,0002019 Reducing the Climate Change Vulnerability of Local Communities in Uganda through EbA in Forest and Wetland Ecosystems Uganda United Nations Environment Programme $4,350,0002020 Promoting the Effective Management of Salonga National Park through Creation of Community Forests and Improving the Well-being of Local Communities Congo DR United Nations Environment Programme $5,694,7492020 Building the Resilience of Local Communities in Zambia through the Introduction of Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) into Priority Ecosystems, including Wetlands and Forests Zambia United Nations Environment Programme $6,185,0002020 Community-based Climate Risks Management in Chad Chad United Nations Development Programme $5,250,0002020 Community-based Integrated Natural Resource Management Project Fiji Food and Agriculture Organization $2,119,4252021 Reducing Community Carbon Footprint by a Circular Economy Approach in the Republic of Serbia Serbia United Nations Development Programme $1,777,0002021 Collaborative platform for African nature-based tourism enterprises, conservation areas and local communities' a response to COVID-19 Regional World Wildlife Fund - US Chapter $1,903,0002022 Community-based Management of Tanguar Haor Wetland in Bangladesh Bangladesh United Nations Development Programme $4,050,9132022 Integrated Community-based Management of High Value Mountain Ecosystems in Southern Kyrgyzstan for Multiple Benefits Kyrgyz Republic United Nations Development Programme $2,639,7262022 Integrated Economic Development and Community Resilience (IEDCR) Solomon Islands The World Bank $4,566,211 Multistakeholders, civil society 1998 African NGO-Government Partnership for Sustainable Biodiversity Action Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Tanzania, Tunisia, Uganda, Regional United Nations Development Programme $4,330,0001998 Global Biodiversity Forum Phase II Global United Nations Environment Programme $745,0002002 Global Environmental Citizenship (GEC) Argentina, Chile, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, Mexico, Peru, Regional United Nations Development Programme, United Nations Environment Programme $2,977,0001999 Harnessing Multi-Stakeholder Mechanisms to Promote Global Environmental Priorities Burkina Faso, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Mexico, Philippines, Uganda, Global United Nations Development Programme $725,0001999 Effective Protection with Community Participation of the New Protected Area of San Lorenzo Panama The World Bank $725,0002002 Global Biodiversity Forum (GBF): Multistakeholder Support for the Implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity - Phase III Global United Nations Environment Programme $996,5002008 Environmental Learning and Stakeholder Involvement as Tools for Global Environmental Benefits and Poverty Reduction Tajikistan United Nations Development Programme $470,0002015 Sustainable Management Models for Local Government Organisations to Enhance Biodiversity Protection and Utilization in Selected Eco-regions of Thailand Thailand United Nations Development Programme $1,758,9042015 Generate Global Evironmental Benefits through Environmental Education and Raising Awareness of Stakeholders Armenia United Nations Development Programme $750,0002017 Enhancing National Capacities for Improved Public Participation for Implementing Rio Conventions Egypt United Nations Development Programme $991,000GEF - 7 Strengthening Civil Society Role in Achieving Land Degradation Neutrality Global International Union for Conservation of Nature $2,000,000 Coordination and partnership 2001 Development and Integration of the Environmental Component in the Partnership for Africa Renewal Programme Regional United Nations Environment Programme $300,0002008 Establishing an Effective and Sustainable Structure for Implementing Multilateral Environmental Agreements Ghana United Nations Development Programme $475,0002008 Mainstreaming Global Environment in National Plans and Policies by Strengthening the Monitoring and Reporting System for Multilateral Environmental Agreements Egypt United Nations Development Programme $475,0002008 International Commission on Land Use Change and Ecosystems Global United Nations Environment Programme $1,000,0002008 Adoption of Ecosystem Approach for Integrated Implementation of MEAs at National and Divisional Level Gambia United Nations Environment Programme $493,0002009 SLEM/CPP: Institutional Coordination, Policy Outreach and M & E Project under Sustainable Land and Ecosystem Management Partnership Program India The World Bank $981,4112009 Strengthening Coordination for Effective Environmental Management (STREEM) Philippines United Nations Development Programme $475,0002009 Piloting Integrated Processes and Approaches to Facilitate National Reporting to Rio Conventions Afghanistan, Eritrea, Lao PDR, Liberia, Mauritius, Palau, Global United Nations Environment Programme $840,0002014 Strengthening Capacities to Measure, Report and Verify Indicators of Global Environment Benefits Papua New Guinea United Nations Development Programme $500,0002016 Improved Convention Coordination for Sustainable Growth in Uruguay (ECCOSUR) Uruguay United Nations Development Programme $1,862,4002018 Global Learning, Finance, and Partnerships Project under TRI Global International Union for Conservation of Nature, Food and Agriculture Organization, United Nations Environment Programme $3,519,7252021 Global coordination project for the SFM Drylands Impact Program Global Food and Agriculture Organization $8,056,8812021 GEF-7 GWP Global Coordination Project Global The World Bank $9,174,313 Governance and legislators 2002 Involving National Legislators in International Environmental Decision-making through Participation in the Preparations for the World Summit on Sustainable Development Proceedings and the Second GEF Assembly Global United Nations Environment Programme $250,0002008 Enhancing Global Environmental Management in Bhutan's Local Governance System Bhutan United Nations Development Programme $475,0002009 SIP: Stabilizing Rural Populations through Improved Systems for SLM and Local Governance of Lands in Southern Madagascar Madagascar United Nations Development Programme $907,7502010 SPWA-BD: The Gambia Biodiversity Management and Institutional Strengthening Project Gambia The World Bank $945,0002013 Strengthening National and Decentralized Management for Global Environmental Benefits Togo United Nations Development Programme $770,0002015 Generating Global Environmental Benefits from Improved Decision Making Systems and Local Planning in Pakistan Pakistan United Nations Development Programme $995,5002006 Decentralized GEF Medium-sized Grants Programme Argentina The World Bank $2,500,0002019 GLOBE Legislators Advancing REDD+ and Natural Capital Governance Towards the Delivery of the 2030 Agenda Congo DR, Nigeria, Senegal, Regional United Nations Environment Programme $1,045,897