Financial Mechanism and Resources

GEF-financed projects related to restoration

GEF-8 projects

  • 2022 Armenia: Armenia Integrated Resilient Landscape Improvement Project (AIR LIP), World Bank, Project Financing: $5,450,000 ID: 11046
  • 2023 GEF-8 Amazon Sustainable Landscapes Program Phase 3 (Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Suriname, Venezuela) (GEFID: 11198) Agency: WWF-US, CI, World Bank, FAO, UNDP. GEF Project Financing: $88,644,185. Co-financing: $557,827,180: 103,800 ha. of land and ecosystems under restoration
  • 2023 GEF-8 Blue and Green Island Integrated Programme (NbS to the food, tourism, and urban sectors) (Belize, Cabo Verde, Comoros, Cuba, Maldives, Mauritius, Micronesia, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Seychelles, St. Lucia, Timor Leste, Trinidad and Tobago, Vanuatu)(GEFID: 11250). Agency: FAO, WWF-US, IUCN, UNDP, World Bank, UNEP. GEF Project Financing: $121,183,945; Co-financing: $733,790,102: 77,356 ha. of land and ecosystems under restoration
  • 2023 GEF-8 Congo Critical Forest Biome Integrated Program (Angola, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Congo DR, Equatorial Guinea, Sao Tome and Principe) (GEFID: 11241) Agency: IFAD, CI, IUCN, UNEP. GEF Project Financing: $56,259,439. Co-financing: $428,640,177: 99,423 ha. of land and ecosystems under restoration
  • 2023 GEF-8 Ecosystem Restoration (Angola, Brazil, Cambodia, Chad, Congo DR, Cote d'Ivoire, Haiti, Madagascar, Mali, Mauritania, Mexico, Mozambique, Nepal, Peru, Rwanda, Sao Tome and Principe, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Uzbekistan, Viet Nam). (GEFID: 11118) Agency: UNDP, CI, IFAD, UNEP, World Bank, FAO, IUCN. GEF Project Financing: $183,859,244. Co-financing: $1,627,501,995; 2,228,334 ha. of land and ecosystems under restoration
  • 2023 GEF-8 Guinean Forests Integrated Program (Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone). (GEFID: 11142)Agency: FAO, CI, IUCN. GEF Project Financing: $20,077,828. Co-financing: $59,664,406: 24,433 ha. of land and ecosystems under restoration
  • 2023 GEF-8 Indo-Malaya Critical Forest Biome Integrated Program (Lao PDR, Papua New Guinea, Thailand) (GEFID: 11102). Agency: FAO, IUCN, UNDP. GEF Project Financing: $38,216,208. Co-financing: $185,597,817: 8,500 ha. of land and ecosystems under restoration
  • 2023 GEF-8 Mesoamerica Critical Forest Biome Integrated Program (El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama) (GEFID: 11273). Agency: FAO, IUCN; GEF Project Financing: $58,147,493; Co-financing: $438,166,265: 63,600 ha. of land and ecosystems under restoration
  • 2023 GEF-8 Net-Zero Nature-Positive Accelerator Integrated Programme (Chile, Costa Rica, Cote d'Ivoire, Indonesia, Mauritius, Mexico, Morocco, Nigeria, Tanzania, Thailand, Trinidad and Tobago, Viet Nam) (GEFID: 11085). Agency: UNIDO, ADB, UNDP, UNEP, CAF, FAO. GEF Project Financing: $98,678,187. Co-financing: $695,182,970: 346,956 ha. of land and ecosystems under restoration
  • 2023 Mexico. Ecosystem restoration and sustainable livelihoods in the Biocultural Corridor of the Central West of Mexico (COBIOCOM) (GEF ID: 11249). Agency: FAO; GEF Project Financing: $8,932,420; Co-financing: $51,156,135.
  • 2023 Georgia. Transforming Policy and Investment through Improving Ecosystem Management and Restoration of Degraded Drylands of Dedoplistskaro Biosphere Reserve in Georgia to Generate Multiple Environmental and Socio-Economic Benefits (GEF ID 11141). Agency: UNEP; GEF Project Financing: $3,552,970; Co-financing: $24,875,000.
  • 2023 Zambia. Climate-resilient ecosystem restoration and sustainable land management in the Central and Southern Provinces of Zambia (GEF ID 11212); GEF Agency: FAO; GEF project financing: $8,265,283 (LDCF) and $3,544,809 (GEF Trust Fund); Co-financing: $91,200,000.

Projects previously financed by the Global Environment Facility

  • 1992 Control of Exotic Aquatic Weeds in Rivers and Coastal Lagoons to Enhance and Restore Biodiversity Cote d'Ivoire United Nations Development Programme 3,000,000
  • 1993 Restoration of Highly Degraded and Threatened Native Forests in Mauritius Mauritius United Nations Development Programme 200,000
  • 1995 Biodiversity Restoration Mauritius The World Bank $1,200,000
  • 1999 Environmental Protection of the Rio de la Plata and Its Maritime Front: Pollution Prevention and Control and Habitat Restoration Argentina, Uruguay, Regional United Nations Development Programme $5,680,000
  • 2000 Restoration of Round Island Mauritius The World Bank $750,000
  • 2002 DBSB: Wetland Restoration and Pollution Reduction Project - under WB-GEF Strategic Partnership for Nutrient Reduction in the Danube River and Black Sea Bulgaria The World Bank $7,500,000
  • 2002 Lake Dianchi Freshwater Biodiversity Restoration Project China The World Bank $975,050
  • 2003 Conservation, Restoration and Wise Use of Calcareous Fens Slovak Republic United Nations Development Programme $977,420
  • 2005 Lake Pomorie Conservation, Restoration and Sustainable Management Project Bulgaria The World Bank $863,100
  • 2005 Conservation and Restoration of the Globally Significant Biodiversity of the Tisza River Floodplain through Integrated Floodplain Management Hungary United Nations Development Programme $944,000
  • 2005 Ecosystem Restoration of Riparian Forests in Sao Paulo Brazil The World Bank $7,750,000
  • 2006 The Middle Atlas Forest Restoration project Morocco United Nations Development Programme $965,345
  • 2007 Participatory Coastal Zone Restoration and Sustainable Management in the Eastern Province of Post-Tsunami Sri Lanka Sri Lanka International Fund for Agricultural Development $6,919,915
  • 2008 Espirito Santo Biodiversity and Watershed Conservation and Restoration Project Brazil The World Bank $4,000,000
  • 2008 SFM Safeguarding and Restoring Lebanon's Woodland Resources Lebanon United Nations Development Programme $980,000
  • 2009 The Caspian Sea: Restoring Depleted Fisheries and Consolidation of a Permanent Regional Environmental Governance Framework Azerbaijan, Iran, Kazakhstan, Russian Federation, Turkmenistan, Regional United Nations Development Programme $4,700,000
  • 2009 Implementation of the Benguela Current LME Action Program for Restoring Depleted Fisheries and Reducing Coastal Resources Degradation Angola, Namibia, South Africa, Regional United Nations Development Programme $5,138,460
  • 2010 PRC-GEF Partnership: Forestry and Ecological Restoration in Three Northwest Provinces (formerly Silk Road Ecosystem Restoration Project) China Asian Development Bank $5,119,546
  • 2013 CBPF: Demonstration of Estuarine Biodiversity Conservation, Restoration, and Protected Area Networking China Food and Agriculture Organization $3,516,400
  • gef4 Restoration, Protection and Sustainable Use of the Sistan Basin Afghanistan, Iran, Regional United Nations Development Programme $2,000,000
  • 2014 Maximizing Carbon Sink Capacity and Conserving Biodiversity through Sustainable Conservation, Restoration, and Management of Peat-swamp Ecosystems Thailand United Nations Development Programme $3,224,400
  • 2014 Landscape Approach to Forest Restoration and Conservation (LAFREC) Rwanda The World Bank $9,532,000
  • 2015 Project for the Restoration and Strengthening the Resilience of the Lake de Guiers Wetland Ecosystems (PRRELAG) Senegal African Development Bank $1,315,525
  • 2015 Catalysing Ecosystem Restoration for Climate Resilient Natural Capital and Rural Livelihoods in Degraded Forests and Rangelands of Nepal. Nepal United Nations Environment Programme $5,246,475
  • 2015 Building the Foundation for Forest Landscape Restoration at Scale Ethiopia, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Niger, Global United Nations Environment Programme $1,900,000
  • 2016 Promoting SLM Practices to Restore and Enhance Carbon Stocks through Adoption of Green Rural Habitat Initiatives Senegal United Nations Environment Programme $1,319,635
  • 2017 Conservation, Restoration and Sustainable Management Strategies to Enhance Caatinga, Pampa and Pantanal Biodiversity – GEF Terrestre Brazil Inter-American Development Bank $32,621,820
  • 2017 Securing Livelihoods, Conservation, Sustainable Use and Restoration of High Range Himalayan Ecosystems (SECURE)Himalayas India United Nations Development Programme $11,544,192
  • 2017 Promoting Sustainable Land Management (SLM) through Integrated Restoration of Ecosystems Albania United Nations Environment Programme $867,580
  • 2017 Risk Mitigation Instrument for Land Restoration (Non-Grant) Latin America and Caribbean, Regional Inter-American Development Bank $15,000,000
  • 2018 Safeguarding Biodiversity in the Galapagos Islands by Enhancing Biosecurity and Creating the Enabling Environment for the Restoration of Galapagos Island Ecosystems. Ecuador Conservation International $3,301,472
  • 2018 Restoration of Arid and Semi-arid lands (ASAL) of Kenya through Bio-enterprise Development and other Incentives under The Restoration Initiative Kenya Food and Agriculture Organization $4,157,340
  • 2018 Supporting the implementation of integrated ecosystem management approach for landscape restoration and biodiversity conservation in Tanzania Tanzania United Nations Environment Programme $11,205,872
  • 2018 "Supporting Landscapes Restoration and Sustainable Use of Local Plant Species and Tree Products (Bambusa ssp, Irvingia spp, etc) for Biodiversity Conservation, Sustainable Livelihoods and Emissions Reduction in Cameroon" Cameroon International Union for Conservation of Nature $1,326,146
  • 2018 The Restoration Initiative, DRC child project: Improved Management and Restoration of Agro-sylvo-pastoral Resources in the Pilot Province of South-Kivu Congo DR Food and Agriculture Organization $3,600,000
  • 2018 Integrated Ecosystem Management and Restoration of Forests on the South East Coast of St. Lucia St. Lucia United Nations Environment Programme $4,428,145
  • 2018 Restoring Degraded Forest Landscapes and Promoting Community-based, Sustainable and Integrated Natural Resource Management in the Rora Habab Plateau, Nakfa Sub-zoba, Northern Red Sea Region of Eritrea Eritrea United Nations Development Programme $8,260,607
  • 2018 Mali- Community-based Natural Resource Management that Resolves Conflict, Improves Livelihoods and Restores Ecosystems throughout the Elephant Range Mali United Nations Development Programme $4,116,055
  • 2018 Building Climate Resilient Green Infrastructure: Enhancing Ecosystem Services of Planted Forests in China through Forest Landscape Restoration and Governance Innovation China International Union for Conservation of Nature $6,422,018
  • 2018 Forest and Landscape Restoration supporting Landscape and Livelihoods Resilience in the Central African Republic (CAR) Central African Republic Food and Agriculture Organization $5,961,638
  • 2018 Landscape Restoration for Ecosystem Functionality and Climate Change Mitigation in the Republic of Sao Tome e Principe Sao Tome and Principe Food and Agriculture Organization $4,666,515
  • 2018 Restoring Ecological Corridors in the Mayo-Kebbi Quest, Chad, to Support Multiple Land and Forests Benefits - RECONNECT Chad International Union for Conservation of Nature $5,366,972
  • 2018 Climate-smart Livestock Production and Land Restoration in the Uruguayan Rangelands Uruguay Food and Agriculture Organization $2,091,781
  • 2018 Fostering Partnerships to Build Coherence and Support for Forest Landscape Restoration Global International Union for Conservation of Nature $625,000
  • 2019 Forest Landscape Restoration in the Mayaga Region Rwanda United Nations Development Programme $6,213,538
  • 2019 Sustainability and Scaling Up Approaches for Transformational Management, Restoration and Conservation of Forests Landscapes and Biodiversity in Cote d’Ivoire (SSATMARC FOLAB) Cote d'Ivoire United Nations Environment Programme $2,831,050
  • 2019 AVACLIM : Agro-ecology, Ensuring Food Security and Sustainable Livelihoods while Mitigating Climate Change and Restoring Land in Dryland Regions Brazil, Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, India, Morocco, Senegal, South Africa, Global Food and Agriculture Organization $1,137,215
  • 2020 Landscape Planning and Restoration to Improve Ecosystem Services, and Livelihoods, Expand and Effectively Manage Protected Areas Gambia United Nations Environment Programme $5,644,685
  • 2020 Removing Barriers to Biodiversity Conservation, Land Restoration and Sustainable Forest Management through Community-based Landscape Management COBALAM Cameroon United Nations Environment Programme $3,105,023
  • 2020 Enhancing Biodiversity, Maintaining Ecosystem Flows, Enhancing Carbon Stocks through Sustainable Land Management and the Restoration of Degraded Forestlands Philippines Food and Agriculture Organization $2,639,726
  • 2020 Promoting Sustainable Land Management (SLM) Through Strengthening Legal and Institutional Framework, Capacity Building and Restoration of Most Vulnerable Mountain Landscapes North Macedonia United Nations Environment Programme $3,662,545
  • 2021 Strengthening Trans-boundary Cooperation for Improved Ecosystem Management and Restoration in the Senegal delta (Mauritania and Senegal) Mauritania, Senegal, Regional International Union for Conservation of Nature $3,061,009
  • 2021 Ecosystem Restoration and Sustainable Land Management in Tongoa Island Vanuatu Food and Agriculture Organization $867,580
  • gef6 TRI The Restoration Initiative - Fostering Innovation and Integration in Support of the Bonn Challenge Cameroon, Central African Republic, China, Congo DR, Guinea-Bissau, Kenya, Myanmar, Pakistan, Sao Tome and Principe, Tanzania, Global International Union for Conservation of Nature, Food and Agriculture Organization, United Nations Environment Programme $30,441,961
  • gef6 Danube River Basin Hydromorphology and River Restoration (DYNA) Bosnia-Herzegovina, Moldova, Montenegro, Serbia, Ukraine, Regional World Wildlife Fund - US Chapter $4,422,018
  • 2020 Achieving Land Degradation Neutrality Targets of Georgia through Restoration and Sustainable Management of Degraded Pasturelands Georgia Food and Agriculture Organization $1,776,484
  • 2021 Landscape Approach to Riverine Forest Restoration, Biodiversity Conservation and Livelihood Improvement Sudan Food and Agriculture Organization $2,589,726
  • 2021 Burundi Landscape Restoration and Resilience Project Burundi The World Bank $6,000,000
  • 2021 Landscape Restoration and Ecosystem Management for Sustainable Food Systems Ghana The World Bank $12,756,881
  • 2021 Strengthening Sustainability in Commodity and Food-Crop Value Chains, Land Restoration and Land Use Governance through Integrated Landscape Management for Multiple Benefits in Indonesia Indonesia United Nations Development Programme, Food and Agriculture Organization $16,213,762
  • 2021 El Salvador Integrated Landscape Management and Restoration El Salvador The World Bank $3,561,644
  • 2021 Food Systems, Land Use and Restoration in Tanzania’s Forest Landscapes Tanzania World Wildlife Fund - US Chapter $7,368,808
  • 2021 Transforming landscapes and livelihoods: A cross-sector approach to accelerate restoration of Malawi’s Miombo and Mopane woodlands for sustainable forest and biodiversity management Malawi Food and Agriculture Organization $6,350,459
  • 2021 Scaling up Cocoa-based Food Systems, Land Use and Restoration / Transformative Innovations in Cote d’Ivoire (SCOLUR-CI) Cote d'Ivoire Food and Agriculture Organization, United Nations Development Programme, United Nations Industrial Development Organization $5,354,587
  • 2021 Preventing forest loss, promoting restoration and integrating sustainability into Ethiopia’s coffee supply chains and food systems Ethiopia United Nations Development Programme $20,342,202
  • 2021 BIOREACH: Biodiversity Conservation and Agroecological Land Restoration in Productive Landscapes of Trinidad and Tobago Trinidad and Tobago Food and Agriculture Organization $3,752,162
  • 2021 Ecosystem Restoration and Sustainable Land Management to improve livelihoods and protect biodiversity in Nauru Nauru United Nations Environment Programme $3,502,968
  • 2021 CSIDS-SOILCARE Phase1: Caribbean Small Island Developing States (SIDS) multicountry soil management initiative for Integrated Landscape Restoration and climate-resilient food systems Antigua And Barbuda, Barbados, Belize, Grenada, Guyana, Haiti, Jamaica, St. Lucia, Regional Food and Agriculture Organization $8,155,205
  • 2021 Enabling environment at policy, field and market levels for Forest Landscape Restoration (FLR) to achieve Land Degradation Neutrality (LDN) in Serbia Serbia Food and Agriculture Organization $746,121
  • 2021 Programme to sustainably manage and restore land and biodiversity in the Guadalquivir Basin Bolivia Food and Agriculture Organization $1,555,012
  • 2021 Sustainable land management and restoration of productive landscapes in river basins for the implementation of national targets of Land Degradation Neutrality (LDN) in Panama Panama Food and Agriculture Organization $1,867,808
  • 2021 Restoring the degraded watershed and livelihoods of Lakhandei river basin through Sustainable Land Management Nepal International Union for Conservation of Nature $1,555,505
  • 2021 Implementation of Armenia’s LDN commitments through sustainable land management and restoration of degraded landscapes Armenia Food and Agriculture Organization $2,183,105
  • 2021 LDN Target-Setting and Restoration of Degraded Landscapes in Western Andes and Coastal areas Ecuador Food and Agriculture Organization $4,416,210
  • 2021 Protecting biodiversity and recovering degraded ecosystems - RECOVER Honduras Honduras United Nations Development Programme, Food and Agriculture Organization $9,863,948
  • 2022 Food System, Land Use and Restoration Impact Program in Uzbekistan Uzbekistan Food and Agriculture Organization $5,992,661
  • 2022 Restoration of biodiversity and ecosystem services at the landscape scale on productive agroforestry areas and their natural environment Chile Food and Agriculture Organization $5,674,032
  • 2022 Integrated Landscape Management for conservation and restoration of the Mt. Elgon Ecosystem in Western Kenya Kenya Food and Agriculture Organization $5,354,587
  • 2022 Integrated land management, restoration of degraded landscapes and natural capital assessment in the mountains of Papua New Guinea Papua New Guinea United Nations Environment Programme $3,512,100
  • 2022 Sustainable management and restoration of the Dry Forest of the Northern Coast of Peru Peru Food and Agriculture Organization, International Union for Conservation of Nature $7,666,491
  • 2022 Promoting Sustainable Agricultural Production and Conservation of Key Biodiversity Species through Land Restoration and Efficient Use of Ecosystems in the Dallol Bosso and Surrounding Areas (PROSAP/COKEBIOS) Niger International Fund for Agricultural Development, United Nations Environment Programme $5,296,808
  • 2022 Biodiversity Conservation, Restoration and Integrated Sustainable Development of Mangoky sub-watersheds Madagascar Food and Agriculture Organization $7,334,246
  • 2022 Restoring and Enhancing the Value of Degraded Lands and Forest Ecosystems for Enhanced Climate Resilience in Benin (PIRVaTEFoD-Benin) Benin United Nations Development Programme $9,032,877
  • 2022 Protecting and Restoring the Ocean’s natural Capital, building Resilience and supporting region-wide Investments for sustainable Blue socio-Economic development (PROCARIBE+) Antigua And Barbuda, Bahamas, Belize, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica, Panama, St. Kitts And Nevis, St. Lucia, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago, Venezuela, Regional United Nations Development Programme $15,429,817
  • 2022 Sustainable investments for large-scale rangeland restoration (STELARR) Global International Union for Conservation of Nature $2,000,000
  • 2022 Restoration Challenge Grant Platform for Smallholders and Communities, with Blockchain-Enabled Crowdfunding Cameroon, Kenya, Regional International Union for Conservation of Nature $2,000,000
  • 2022 Restoration of Degraded Natural Forests and Soil Erosion Management Improvement in Erosion-Prone Regions of China China United Nations Development Programme $2,986,758
  • 2022 Achieving land degradation neutrality targets through restoration and sustainable management of degraded land in Northern Jordan Jordan Food and Agriculture Organization $4,000,000
  • 2023 Promoting sustainability in the agave-mezcal value chain through restoration and integrated management of biocultural landscapes in Oaxaca Mexico United Nations Environment Programme $4,507,534
  • 2023 Restoration of ecosystems, integrated natural resource management and promotion of SLM in Mbuluzi River Basin of Eswatini Eswatini United Nations Environment Programme $3,916,950
  • GEF - 7 Effective Management of Mchinji Ecosystems for Restoration of Upper Bua River Catchment Malawi United Nations Environment Programme $921,508
  • GEF - 7 Food Systems, Land Use and Restoration (FOLUR) Impact Program Brazil, Burundi, China, Cote d'Ivoire, Ethiopia, Ghana, Guatemala, Guinea, India, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Liberia, Madagascar, Malaysia, Mexico, Nicaragua, Nigeria, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay, Peru, Tanzania, Thailand, Uganda, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Viet Nam, Global The World Bank, United Nations Development Programme, International Fund for Agricultural Development, World Wildlife Fund - US Chapter, Conservation International, United Nations Industrial Development Organization, United Nations Environment Programme, Food and Agriculture Organization $306,439,005
  • GEF - 7 Conserving Biodiversity and Restoring Ecosystem Functions in the Day and Mabla Mountains Djibouti United Nations Development Programme $3,269,028
  • GEF - 7 Mainstreaming biodiversity conservation and restoring forest landscape connectivity in Bago Region, Myanmar Myanmar United Nations Development Programme, World Wildlife Fund - US Chapter $7,122,693
  • GEF - 7 Strengthening the adaptive capacity of communities by up-scaling integrated landscape management and restoration in south-west region of Central African Republic Central African Republic Food and Agriculture Organization $8,932,420
  • GEF - 7 Landscape restoration for increase resilience in urban and peri-urban areas of Bujumbura Burundi United Nations Development Programme $8,932,420
  • GEF - 7 Enhancing Land Management and Strengthening Ecosystem Resilience for Integrated Landscape Restoration and Climate-Resilient Food Systems in Carriacou, Grenada Grenada United Nations Environment Programme $863,242
  • GEF - 7 Sustainable Management and Restoration of Degraded Landscapes for Achieving Land Degradation Neutrality (LDN) in India India United Nations Development Programme $6,600,000