Responsibility and transparency

Section J.    Responsibility and transparency

16.       The successful implementation of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework requires responsibility and transparency, which will be supported by effective mechanisms for planning, monitoring, reporting and review, forming an agreed, synchronized and cyclical system.[1] This includes the following elements:

(a) National biodiversity strategies and action plans, revised or updated in alignment with the Framework and its goals and targets as the main vehicle for implementation of the Framework, including national targets communicated in a standardized format; 

(b) National reports, including the headline and, as appropriate, other indicators in the monitoring framework of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework;

(c) Global analysis of information in national biodiversity strategies and action plans, including national targets to assess the contribution towards the Framework;

(d) Global review of collective progress in the implementation of the Framework, including the means of implementation, based on national reports and, as appropriate, other sources; 

(e) Voluntary peer reviews; 

(f) Further development and testing of an open-ended forum for voluntary country reviews;

(g) Information on non-state actor commitments towards the Framework, as applicable.

17.       Parties may take the outcome of the global reviews into account in the future revisions and implementation of their national biodiversity strategies and action plans, including the provision of means of implementation to developing country Parties, with a view to improving actions and efforts, as appropriate.

18.       The mechanisms recognize the specific challenges faced by developing countries and the need for international cooperation to support them accordingly. Means of implementation, including capacity‑building and development, and technical and financial support will be provided to Parties, especially to developing country Parties, to enable the implementation of these mechanisms for responsibility and transparency, including information on transparency of the support provided and received, and provide a full overview of aggregate support provided.

19.       The mechanisms will be undertaken in a facilitative, non-intrusive, non-punitive manner, respecting national sovereignty, and avoiding placing undue burden on Parties. 

20.       Further recommendations on the transparency and responsibility mechanisms will be provided by the Conference of the Parties as necessary with a view to achieving the goals and targets of the Framework.

21.       Future meetings of the Conference of the Parties will consider and provide any additional recommendation, as necessary, including on the basis of the outcomes from the reviews, with a view to achieving the goals and targets of the Framework.


[1] Decision 15/6 on mechanism for planning, monitoring, reporting and review.