Biodiversity and Health

Peer-Review Draft Global Action Plan on Biodiversity and Health

At its fourteen meeting, the Conference of the Parties (COP) to the Convention on Biological Diversity, requested the Executive Secretary, among other things, to develop a draft global action plan to mainstream biodiversity and health linkages into national policies, strategies, programs and accounts.

Further, at its fifteenth meeting, the COP, requested the Executive Secretary to complete the work on the draft global action plan pursuant to decision 14/4, and drawing on the deliberations of the resumed session of the twenty-fourth meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice (SBSTTA). The COP also requested the Executive Secretary to invite Parties, other Governments, indigenous peoples and local communities, and relevant stakeholders to review the updated version of the draft global action plan, and to make the outcomes of this work available for the consideration of the SBSTTA.

Based on this, the Secretariat has issued a notification inviting Parties, other Governments, organizations, indigenous peoples and local communities, and stakeholders to participate in the peer-review process. 

Review comments should be sent through an official letter addressed to the Executive Secretary by e-mail to, as soon as possible, but no later than 12 February 2024.  

Submissions from Parties should be made through the relevant national focal point to the Convention, and those from organizations through the head of the organization.


Template for submitting comments: Peer review template.docx 

Text of Draft Global Action Plan on Biodiversity and Health draft global action plan.pdf

*The draft action plan has not been edited

*Only comments submitted using the peer review template will be accepted.