Financial Mechanism and Resources

IDB Dialogue on International Financing for Biodiversity (21-22 May 2015): Norway

Norway's International Financing for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services

Noway - Bente Herstad
Bente Herstad
Policy Director, Section for Climate, Forest and Green Economy, Department for Climate, Energy and Environment

The white papers “Sharing for Prosperity” (Meld. St. 25(2012-2013)), “Towards greener development» (Meld. St. 14 (2010–2011)) and “Climate, conflict and capital” (Meld.St 13 (2008-2009) provides a framework for biodiversity in development cooperation.

Norway’s International Climate and Forest Initiative is the largest biodiversity related program, with a budget of around USD 500 million a year since 2008. The two other main biodiversity related issues of Norwegian aid is sustainable fisheries and research. In addition, a number of smaller biodiversity projects and programs are supported through multilateral and bilateral channels.

An independent analysis of Norwegian development assistance is available at Norway 2013: OECD Development Co-operation Peer Review

Reporting to the CBD on biodiversity in Norwegian development cooperation is available at Summary information 1998-2009.

Examples of biodiversity projects funded by Norway in 2014-2015
The database on ODA statistics on are open for all to access information on the biodiversity projects funded by Norway.
Capacity building course Southern Africa region: Synthetic biology – biosafety and contribution to addressing societal challenges, 20-26 September 2015, North-West University, Potchefstroom, South Africa

Biodiversity-related funding policies and programmes
All project-managers have to use the “Norad: Statistical Classification Manual, January 2015” to enable easy identification of biodiversity projects, using the Rio markers for biodiversity.

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