Japan Biodiversity Fund

Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities and Traditional Knowledge

The projects supported by the JBF under the indigenous peoples and local communities (IPLCs) and Traditional Knowledge programme aimed to engage and grow a strong network of CBD trainers through regional and sub-regional workshops, participation in CBD meetings, small grants, resources, and training materials. These capacity-building initiatives at national and sub-national levels further increased the number of IPLCs who are familiar with the work of the Convention and who are active partners in the implementation of the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020. 

These JBF-supported initiatives have helped to raise awareness about IPLCs’ contributions to biodiversity conservation. They have built bridges and partnerships among IPLCs and government representatives at international, regional, and local levels for the implementation of the Convention. The programme has resulted in greater capacities of IPLCs to engage with the Nagoya Protocol, the establishment of community protocols and national legislation, increased involvement of IPLCs in Convention and Protocol processes, and a sharp increase in references to IPLCs and traditional knowledge in national reporting to the Convention.